Forum Replies Created
Stupid question maybe, but does the listing have photos added already?
You have to upload an icon in the settings of the new field: > custom css > upload icon ?
#1 I think you are misunderstanding the payment plugin.
In your case you need to edit the free option to not have any of the fields available for editing.
Then create a paid option with editable fields.#2 You create the listing > a user claims the listing using the claim plugin > then they can upgrade. Nothing custom about that.
Either you or me are misunderstanding something, or maybe both of us 🙂
I set up with my test site at
So far I only connected Google and FB, but it all works like a charm so far, even with s2member.
I added the login widget to the home page too. Problem with GD though I think, is that GD does not have a profile page (yet?). I am using the profile page of s2member on my test site.
Feel free to have a play – register on my test site.Only found this, have not used myself, but am interested to find out whether it works well with GD: figured out the customize thingie, it will only show on the search page, not on the other pages.
You got to enter the GA code, not your account number; ie enter the <script>GA code</script> code.On another note, I am struggling to get the “Customize My Search” to show. Can you guide me to that setting? too sure I understand, but if your each “member” is a listing, then why would you need anything else?
Your members can update any field, with the payment plugin you can create different levels with different profiles etc.
A membership plugin would only be useful if you want to restrict certain pages and posts to some people.
With s2member free you can protect any page of your site, including GD pages.I think this could do the trick sblanchon is after: Howard
That is exactly what the payment plugin is for … (if they made or claimed the listing) … or am I misunderstanding …I am using s2member with GD.
It would not add any benefit to GD that I can see.
s2member is only useful if you have some pages you want to restrict to the general public. For GD you want everybody to be able to create an account to either create a listing or save favourites.
For the moment GD does not have a possibility for users to change their password, and that is possible with s2member. But I am sure that feature is planned for GD.
See also admin > appearance > widgets > add “Gmap Listing page” widget to “GD listing top section”
Use localization to change the ADD IMAGES text?
Long way round but probably easiest for now?Your wrapper is set to 1080, add this CSS somewhere:
#geodir_wrapper {
max-width: 100%;
} -