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  • in reply to: Frontend Analytics #542960

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    OK, thanks.

    I would also add:
    – also ideal to have the graphs and/or hover over bars/lines specify the metric; especially as the “Active Users:” metric might otherwise confuse some into thinking that the graphs are measuring Users, when it might not be.

    – the graphing legend elements switch around, “This Week” is left/first, and on the year view, “Last Year” is left/first. Best to keep that consistent.

    – not critical, but eventually a nice have would be the ability to customize the graphing colors.

    – if the metric can’t be adjusted, either pageviews or visits would be preferred I think, as a metric for listing owners…obviously we/site owners may prefer to look at visits, visitors, or even unique visitors directly in GA.


    in reply to: Business Hours Calculating Correctly? #542368

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Okay, thanks.

    From what I read in the docs, it sounded like it was accounted for, so that’s good to know.


    in reply to: Business Hours Calculating Correctly? #542317

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    in reply to: Anyway to Condition Based Off of Package Naming? #540243

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Right, that works well enough on a simple site….

    but now span that across 12+ CPTs and you have to micro-manage that across 24 or more different package IDs and a conditional statement for two different featured tiers.

    At which point, you’d need to most likely create multiple Archive Item templates to make it manageable and not overtax the system with so many conditional checks per listing. Not to mention having to track that for any package changes.

    My thought is that if you can key off of a specific keyword that represents a package tier, that your conditional check can span all CPTs…you can manage at a macro level rather than micro. Even as specific packages may roll in or out of the offering, as long as the tiers utilize the base nomenclature, the logic remains intact.

    As it sounds like this doesn’t exist then otherwise, please add this for consideration.


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #540111

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Excellent, issue resolved on my end. Thanks!


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #540072

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Excellent! Thanks for the update Stiofan


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #539905

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445


    just to close the loop…

    I tried the show_logo=’0′ attribute, but didn’t change anything.


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #539827

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Any estimate on when V2.0.0.88 will be released?


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #539636

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    I think the key points, at least in my instance, are that:
    – no changes were made on my end regarding archive items or detail page image presentation prior to this happening
    – it’s not just that the logo started appearing but that the first image stopped appearing while all of the other post_images still appear…this would seem to be an erroneous behavior either way

    Since then I also tried removing the logo image from the example listing:
    – the first image started appearing again as expected
    – but once the logo was uploaded again, the above behavior reappeared

    As the code above for the Archive Item shows, the only primary image types selected are the post images (types=’post_images’)
    and logo is only selected as the 2nd fallback type (fallback_types=’website_screenshot,logo,cat_default,cpt_default,listing_default’).

    For completeness here….

    On the GD Detail page, the logo is presented separately from other images
    and the selected primary image types are: “post_images,website_screenshot”
    with the following as backup: “website_screenshot,cat_default,cpt_default,listing_default”

    Again, the logo appears correctly as it should, but it also appears as the first image in the main image block, even though it isn’t even selected as a primary or backup image.

    As far as I know, this issue first appeared or at least I first noticed it appearing after the version update. When update came out so quickly, I thought that this was already being addressed, but the issue remained.

    This is still a staging site, but no major changes had been made recently, other than I installed Rank Math to get a feel for it (issue persists even after deactivating Rank Math). Only other thing done over the last week or so was to build out all of the Packages for the CPTs and adding a few more options to a few of the multi-select fields in some CPTs, none of which dealt with or made any changes to the logo or image fields; nor would I expect any such changes to have had this kind of impact.


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #539555

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Well, good sign (relatively) then that I’m not alone.

    I have the logo set to show up separately on the Detail page and it is, but should not be showing up at all in the post image section, so definitely something gone awry.

    I have not tried creating a new listing to see if the issue shows up with a new listing versus existing.

    Either way, the team is great here and I’m sure they’ll figure it out.


    in reply to: Listing Image Issues After Recent Updates #539495

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445
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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445


    Tangent question…is there anyway to tie linked appearance to listing package?

    I know that the ability for an owner to make the actual linked connection within the listing form can be tied to a package level, but what about controlling the appearance?

    Let’s say that an Event owner can link to Places listing for free.

    Can the appearance of that connection be tied to a paid listing package, either 1) the event shows up on the Places listing as a linked listing, or 2) the Places listing shows up as a linked listing on the Event page.

    So the event owner can link to listings regardless of package, but that linkage only shows up in either/both cases above if the Places owner has paid for a certain level listing?

    Clear as mud?


    in reply to: AyeCode Connect … Addition or replaces any plugins? #533310

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445

    Yep, that what is it!


    in reply to: AyeCode Connect … Addition or replaces any plugins? #533276

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    in reply to: AyeCode Connect … Addition or replaces any plugins? #533159

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 445


    When trying to connect, I’m getting this message:

    We could not connect your website. Please try again later.

    I do have WP Easy Updates installed as well.

    Anything else that needs to be done or are there issues at the moment?


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