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Guust, thousands thanks!
I totally missed to check there :). GD is so full of features and has so much freedom to combine them that I completely forgot that GA is also controlled in the Prices & Packages.
Hi paolo,
yes, may be name like Transaction Details is better than View Invoice. So, I assume that the link is not visible if the client quitted the listing submission during the process before the HTML field is populated. I will look closely and test couple of user flows to see how exactly this field is populated and what status it gives in the back-end.
Thanks for the input. It made me thinking in the right direction.
Btw, where can I read more about what each status means and when it should appear in the back-end – Confirmed, Pending, Cancelled, Failed, On hold? Thanks.
Hi paolo,
I cannot draw a conclusion or a final how others in Germany are leading their projects with GD. Did they contacted a consultant to give details for each case – is it a free project, is it a commercial project, is it a community project…, what are the necessary regulations for each case, do they differ, etc. Are they gonna try to follow these instructions or just hope nobody will check? These are questions to consider out of our scope.
I can speak for our practice that we are doing it 100% on the safe side.
Thank you for the suggestion to submit a request. I visited the URL but I cannot see how to submit a new request. Should I wait the new month to start and get my 5 votes again, or this is not related to submitting a new request?
Finally, we decided to create a small plugin that will do what we need and we found where the necessary code lays. Thanks anyway.
@vbrigade – ultimate member is one of my favs plugins but unfortunately right now it is not considered in our project. We have several WP installs (one of them is based on GD) which are connected with automated user sync. We have to do quite some extra tests to be sure UM will do great for this structure.
Thanks, paolo!
By the way the Invoices overview on the front-end is awesome. With a simple addition of Print Invoice button and a small print.css styling, the users can beautifully print their invoice or save it as PDFs on their computers.
The way the invoices and the payments are related, and how all of that is putted to work together for the user on the front-end is just awesome!!! Big thumbs up! You did great job here, guys!
This Add-On is the easiest and most fluent “Plans, Payment, Invoicing” functionality for our directory SaaS project, I have ever tried.
The whole GD core + Add-ons cut our dev times with 80% while developing the project, related to all other directory options we tried in the last 4 years to use as a base. Migrating to GD now, gave a super kick to the project, simplifying tons of user processes on the platform and adding many new functionalities almost out of the box.
Great great job done here! Big thanks.
Hi, paolo and giovanni,
just a hint – Related Posts plugin sold on ThemeTailors can be used with a very little code tweak to connect a CPT to a listing. We use it like this for our project.
Originally, Related Posts connects a post to a listing.
Hope this helps.
Thanks vbrigade and paolo for the suggestions.
I am aware of these plugins. As our aim is too keep the website as light as possible and have all server resources for GD, we escape any extra plugin installs.
We install extra plugins if they provide additional functionality necessary for our project (like the Social Login for example), but we stay away from this practice if we need to go around a functionality in GD and prefer a more direct approach that saves extra files load and extra unnecessary code.
Please, value my question and guide me where to find the necessary code in the GD files. I would like kindly to ask to consider with the devs a checkbox in GD back-end to activate a double opt-in.
paolo, I know that you are very busy. We by ourselves have to handle many support requests for our SaaS projects, but you also have international clients that create and operate projects under different country laws. Such a checkbox will help them a lot on a regular basis.
Hi paolo,
good to know.
Looking forward to downloading next release.
Great news!
Thank you!Hi paolo,
if end of March is realistic, we can mange till then, I think. I implemented some netto and tax amount calculations right in the front-end output and we can roll like this till the update.
It works well when I am putting the package prices incl. VAT. Also the coupons are applied correctly as I need it just for a simple limited campaign of 100% discount. Also looking forward for the coupons bug update, as I can only use them when set up as unlimited.So, we can roll like that and looking forward till the end of March. Let’s close this ticket right now.
Is there any tracker of the expected coming up changes and improvements in the next update?Cheers.
That’s great! When do we get the updated code 🙂 ?
February 20, 2016 at 10:23 am in reply to: Remove Listing Desc, Tag Keywords, Image from Add Listing page #125061I would need some extra help for hiding the Tags field, because for some packages I need it, but for others, I don’t.
I tried with allowed letters limit to be 0. On the front-end comes a nice message that for this package no tags are allowed, but it will be far better and more user friendly just to hide the field on the front-end when the character limit is 0.
Paolo, would you transfer this suggestion to the devs?
February 20, 2016 at 10:17 am in reply to: Remove Listing Desc, Tag Keywords, Image from Add Listing page #125060Hi all,
An elegant solution to hide the image upload is to simply give 0 as allowed images for upload. The whole image upload field simply disappears on the front-end.
You need Prices & Packages Add-on though where you can create different packages with different options to control how many images can be uploaded for the free and the featured package, for example.
February 15, 2016 at 11:01 am in reply to: Schema Type for Custom Post Type – what is schema type ? #122261I also tried the plugin but it didn’t added the sachemas and also manually changed cat_meta.php.
I would like to suggest to add to the core the following schemas:
– Offer
– ProductThanks.
February 14, 2016 at 7:18 pm in reply to: Schema Type for Custom Post Type – what is schema type ? #122127+1
Thanks for the clarification, paolo.
I have seen this option but it really doesn’t work for our case to filter even on two letters level as there are businesses named with just two letters 🙂
My two cents are that it would be wonderful to think about such extension, even made multilingual compatible, as it can vastly improve the keyword search in general.
Sorry, I am just spoiled user of SearchWP plugin and I love the magic this plugin does with the general wp search loop.
By the way Jonathan from SearchWP is open for an integration solution. I was writing about it in another post as private message. Did Stiofan had a chance to look at it?