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  • in reply to: HTML field new lines #115744

    Post count: 151

    Could it be possible because I am outputting it like that:

    echo $post->geodir_customhtmlfield;

    in a custom function in functions.php?

    Sending the login credentials with the next message.

    in reply to: Remove Link from File upload custom field #115722

    Post count: 151

    Thanks, team!

    We will put some custom js to target this particular field and make it do what we need.

    The light-box doesn’t open, so I will check where the problem might be.


    in reply to: Is this normal behavior #115508

    Post count: 151
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Is this normal behavior #114691

    Post count: 151

    And a new update.

    After deactivating Multilocations Add-On, deleting my the browser cache and all cookies, reactivating the add-on (with German translation files active), all loks that it is working fine.

    Still any thoughts on this will be very much appreciated.


    in reply to: Is this normal behavior #114679

    Post count: 151

    Indeed, there is something going on here.

    I managed to lock it down to the following:

    The problem doesn’t occur when the GD is running in English.
    The problem occurs when the translation file for the GD Core is loaded (here talking about the GD in German).
    Locations Manager (Multilocations) Add-On is activated.

    The problem itself is that the field Country doesn’t keep its value when the listing is re-opened for edit (same problem on front-end and back-end).

    If I enter the country again, then it is refreshing the region and thus asking me to enter a region again, then it is refreshing the city and thus, asking me to enter a city again.

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and how this can be fixed. Should the Location Manager be translated in German as well? Would that fix the issue?


    in reply to: Is this normal behavior #114635

    Post count: 151

    Hi again,

    I deleted all Places and CPT, all locations, etc. I tried to replicate the problem but I couldn’t.

    I propose to mark this one out, I am still interested to get an answer if it is an expected behavior that Places and CPT are deleted when deleting a location.

    Sorry, if this is not the right part of the forum for this question.

    in reply to: Remove Link from File upload custom field #114488

    Post count: 151

    Looking forward to getting his insights.

    in reply to: Move Listing Title below the slider #114457

    Post count: 151

    Thanks for this!

    And the link for the other post too. I was trying to find something on the topic in the forum for half an hour and finally gave up. I have noticed that sometimes it is difficult to find what I am searching for.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Location Address Display #114194

    Post count: 151

    Thanks for sharing!

    in reply to: Widjet gmap listing page #114190

    Post count: 151


    I am just jumping into this topic as I have a similar situation.

    Actually, it makes sense to have Category Picker on Listings Map (as on the Homepage Map) like in this scenario:

    In many cases on other local information platforms the user performs ‘Near me’ or City/exact address searches. The search result contains everything from coffees & restaurants to local shops, free toilets, metro stations, ATMs, city facilities, etc. It all depends how the structure of your local directory is. If for example, it includes all that points of interest, then filtering them on/off directly on the map would be a great thing for the user satisfaction.

    In my ideal case of usability, I would imagine that the Category switcher would appear only when the map goes full screen, otherwise they would not match the search results in the listing, once the user starts to switch them on and off. But when alone browsing the map, switching on/off POI categories would be very handy.
    Another point to support it just for the full screen map, is that they always can be included in the Advanced Search from if you have the Add-on, but the search form is hidden when the map is in full screen.

    I am currently ordering such a custom job.


    in reply to: Ordering the Search Results #113598

    Post count: 151


    This is something I am also interested in. I would imagine it in the perfect way for my project as follows:

    First are coming only featured listings arranged by distance and then the normal listings arranged by distance.

    Would it be a smart way to change the query (custom job if it is necessary) or it will slow down outputting the search results too much?


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