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Sure, thanks Paolo,
Hi Paolo,
I understand, thanks for keeping me posted.
Have a great weekend!
Hi there,
So, I am still not getting any views in my listings, I don´t know where to go from here as I have done everything that was suggested to me. And something new happened, I have two different websites using WP GeoDirectory, my other one worked fine, up until today, where all of a sudden I have an error message logging in to google analytics in the listings sidebar widget. I haven´t changed any settings, it worked fine the last time I checked.
Could you help me out please.
Thank you
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.a typo on my behalf i´d imagine,the following sentence is in a box in my previous message
“I dont see why it is necessary for them to go to be redirected to paypal if they dont have to pay anything.”
No idea why
Hi Guust,
Thank you for your speedy response!
You are right, I downloaded the latest .po file, merged them together and translated the new strings.
Problem solved
Thanks for your help, the service here is fantastic.
Have a good day Guust.
Yeah, I removed the “ga” because I saw that it wasn`t working after the hosting company removed the error, so I tried a few different things.
Anyway, I am glad to say that you solved the problem and it is working perfectly fine now. Like you said, the account was blocked, so I changed my GA password and it is working great now. Thank you for your patience and for all your help.
Thank you very much.
Have a great day Stiofan.
Hi there,
Well, I did as you requested and the hosting company got rid of the error, but now I have another error:
“Login Failed” in Google Analytics on the right sidebar where the stats should appear. Before I purchased your subscription I tested Google Analytics and it worked fine on another website, but now it doesn’t. So my GA login details are correct because it has worked for me fine on another site.Ok, I´ll wait for further news from you guys.
Thanks a lot and have a great day Guust.
img upload failed, I´ll try uploading it again in this message.
Hi there,
The option known as “Show business owner google analytics stats?” was dissabled, therefor no error message was not visible in the sidebar where the stats are normally shown when enabled. I disabled it because of the error message that i am talking about, I didn`t want my clients to see the error message. I took the liberty and took a screen-shot of the error message. I´ll attach it to this message.
Note: It´s disabled now, if you want to see the error message you need the enable the previously mentioned option. If you intend to enable it to verify the error for yourself, please disable the option again once finished as I don`t want my client to see the error message.
Thank you for your time.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Interesting, not sure why the credencials are not working, as they worked fine before on a different domiain name for testing purposes. And if so, why am I not getting a message….”Login failed”? If the credencials are wrong, I imagine that I should at least get some kind of info and not just an infinate loop.
All the credencials are correct to my understanding, I will check again just to be sure.
Thank you