Jason Kadlec

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  • in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #5999

    Jason Kadlec
    Free User
    Post count: 22

    I wish that if a video was used, it could be the top of the listing details page instead of the photo carousel.

    Currently, if a video embed is entered, a tab is created called “video” which is OK – but a video sells better than photos, so if the person/business listing has a video, it should be the first thing people see up top.

    See: http://cl.ly/image/0W0y220U3I0a

    Jason Kadlec
    Free User
    Post count: 22

    Found it.. I think in all the various files in /geodirectory-templates there is the following:

    ##### WRAPPER OPEN ######
    // this adds the opening html tags to the primary div, this required the closing tag below :: ($type=”,$id=”,$class=”)
    do_action( ‘geodir_wrapper_open’, ‘listings-page’, ‘geodir-wrapper’,”);

    I changed to:

    ##### WRAPPER OPEN ######
    // this adds the opening html tags to the primary div, this required the closing tag below :: ($type=”,$id=”,$class=”)
    do_action( ‘geodir_wrapper_open’, ‘listings-page’, ‘geodir-wrapper’,’container’);

    And voila. Class added.

    OK now it makes sense why I couldn’t find the geodir_wrapper_open ID in any of the core plugin files.

    The core plugin files are looking to the template files to supply the type, ID and class.

    Case closed / resolved.

    Jason Kadlec
    Free User
    Post count: 22

    @purpleedge and @guust – thanks for your input — my theme uses Twitter Bootstrap, so I was going to add in “container” class and the pages that the plugin created when I activated it would then look perfect.

    I’ll keep hunting for it… but I’ll also look into building all the pages I need out of the widgets.

    I was hoping for Shortcodes — It would be ideal for users to be able to create a page, then just put in:

    [geodir map]

    [geodir list list-style=”grid”]

    and so on.

    By doing it all through widgets – I’ve got to build page-whatever.php and put in the calls to get the widgets.

    ** Update – or just install a plugin that lets me call widgets as shortcodes:


    Not a big deal, but shortcodes are the way to go IMO.

    Especially for people who are using things like Visual Composer, shortcodes would be handy is all.

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