Jeff Adams

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  • in reply to: Search by City #273502

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Regarding this:

    “If you only want listings in one state, change country and state to the default only at GD > Multilocations

    When I select a city though I’m getting a “notice”:
    : Trying to get property of non-object in
    /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/71/3589071/html/wp-content/themes/supreme-directory/inc/geodirectory-compatibility.php on line 1039

    I’m removing it from the navigation for now because of the error. You may log in, enable it, and see the error and if you can fix it if you like…

    in reply to: Search by City #273500

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    So you know, these were “whoop” theme issues. I’ve (temporarily or permanently, not sure yet) switched to a different theme.

    The oops page error when looking at a profile in the whoop theme is still there. Is this because Whoop wants me to use/setup buddypress (which I did not do)? This error does not appear in profiles when using the Supreme theme. You’re welcome to change the theme and see what you find.

    in reply to: Search by City #273499

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Force Parent when Child is Selected #273495

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Paolo, sorry, I thought I explained, everything is fine. What happened was that I had changed from Ajax to Check Box. I later created parent categories when I realized that it would be helpful. Then, when adding listings, I noticed I had to select the parent using the Check box. I assumed (presumably because it was late and I was tired) this was an issue, but it’s not because I can select multi-select or ajax chained, so we’re good, this topic could be removed if that was an option or “answered/resolved” if there was a way to say that 🙂

    in reply to: How to Remove Search in Supreme Directory #273494

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    By the way, I also mentioned the placement of the search suggestions in this post:

    in reply to: How to Remove Search in Supreme Directory #273492

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Sorry, that was with the Supreme theme, I switched to Whoop for a bit to try it out. I’m back on Supreme today though because of bugs with Whoop.

    Suddenly when I reactivated the Supreme theme a lot of weird layout issues with the home page went away. There’s still the issue with the search field suggestions being about a 100 pixels below the field.

    Also, I still would like to know how to remove the search field from the top of the listing page. There doesn’t seem to be widgets, it was said above that was hard coded. I just prefer to see the search field in the top. This is minor though, I can easily live with it the way it is. The suggestions on the other hand being all way below the field is hard to live with though…

    in reply to: notice in header #273491

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    This notice error was in the Whoop Theme, you’re more than welcome to sign in and change the theme to test it. Right now I’m switching back to Supreme Theme until this is resolved at least. It does it when previewing the theme as well…

    in reply to: Search Bug #273490

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Regarding near, I like your suggestions, thank you!

    I understand how it works when using In or not using In. Your suggestions for removing or relabeling that are viable resolves for me to consider. But, the fact that un-checking the “Near Me” does not clear Near Me, that’s super buggy. Once this near me not clearing issue is resolved the Near Me feature could very possibly be something I would love to use.

    in reply to: Search Bug #273488

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Regarding the first thing, it was with “Supreme” theme. I have attached an image of it.

    I probably shouldn’t have changed themes when I’m inquiring about issues. I just keep finding issues, some of which appear to be resolved by changing themes. I have spent so much time on this that it’s often hard to wait for a response. with Supreme theme.

    in reply to: Search by City #273007

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Attached is an image of what I did as suggest by the link you sent me:

    “To hide the notice, try this:

    But I put it back the way it originally was because I still the error page. And really I didn’t understand the faq you sent me.

    Could this be something to do with buddy press?

    in reply to: Search by City #272972

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Man, I hate to keep adding to this but I didn’t even get into how the search doesn’t work intuitively at all with categories 🙁

    in reply to: Search by City #272971

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    Also, I only need cities to select from. This site is about one state within one country. So, there will never be a need to select a country or state.

    in reply to: Search by City #272970

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    And, it doesn’t appear to be holding the city either after selecting one and then searching around the site.

    in reply to: Search by City #272969

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    When searching a city I’m also getting:

    : Trying to get property of non-object in
    on line

    in reply to: Search Bug #272968

    Jeff Adams
    Free User
    Post count: 1780

    To reiterate specifically toward what you said “Clearing the field does not reset the location, it just clears the field.” It does not clear anything when deselecting the near me check box.

    See, if someone selects a check box and that does something, deselecting it should undo that. It’s really rather simple. This currently violates that simplicity. Furthermore, when deselecting it and searching no results are rendered when there should be.

    Also, when typing in the near field, the suggested cities show like a hundred pixels below the field.

    Also, when “in” is applied it only shows listings “in” that city. When “in” is not applied it shows things beyond that city. I only understand this because I took time to toy with it via the front end. However, you should know as well as I do that you don’t want visitors to bounce away from your site. And that is exactly what they’ll do when things start appearing broken or confusing. This “in” deal may be a cool feature but the functionality is not very well evident via the front end and becomes confusing when sometimes it appears to be delivering different results when inadvertently using “in” and not using it searching near a city instead.

    Maybe there’s something I’m missing, some settings I can tweak or something to make it all work more intuitively for me?

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