Jeff Adams
Forum Replies Created
Apparently it seems I must need to set “Show geodirectory navigation in selected menu locations” to “Primary Menu” but then things really fall apart. Doing this I’m forced to use geodirectory to create the menu, ok…. So, I did and finally see the where I can select cities.
This wasn’t really what I was after but could work and may be better. There use to be in geotheme a widget to select cities.
When I select a city I’m not getting results. It still is there if you can look at it.
Thanks, I’m trying this. I looked at the url you sent though and there’s nothing about a location switcher in there which is frustrating. I did as you said and went to GD > Multilocations > Show location switcher in menu > Yes. But I don’t see where I can now add a drop down in the widgets or settings of geodirectory anywhere… 🙁
I see what you’re saying about the home page. But there is still the issue with not being able to deselect it after it’s been used.
When a person visiting the site selects near me, uses near me, and then deselects near me and does a completely different search it needs to go back to “not near me. Right now it doesn’t go back to not near me or near me, it goes to not showing ANYTHING even if there was things near me and not near me.
This is clearly a problem.
All I was saying about the homepage, which I see it does this on the other pages too, is if you select near me, don’t search, and then deselect near me it clears out near me. Every time near me is deselected it should clear out near me, right now it breaks.
right now as I type in the “near” field it is showing suggestions way below the field in a odd place.
It’s definitely broke.
It works correctly on the homepage though. On the homepage if I select it I am able to deselect it and whatever I select after that behaves correctly. On the homepage when I select near the value in the cell goes to “near:me” and when I deselect it the value goes back to “near” but on the list page it seems to stay stuck in the “near:me”.
It also works correctly on the list page going one way but not the other. So, if you go to and then narrow it down to “near:me” it works that way showing me results near me. But, if you undo near me it suddenly shows nothing. It show’s “No listings found which match your selection.”
So, this is totally counter-intuitive to the point that it’s definitely broke. This would make a visit think there’s nothing near them when there is or that there’s nothing at all even when there is.
Ajax Chained works too, lol
It was the check box one that I was tripping on, sorry about that. I suppose the others all seem to cover that well… must have been tired that night…
I thought it didn’t that may have been the type of selector I was using under ” Category display type”. I’m using multiselect and it’s working great with that one. I may have inquired prematurely, so it’s all good. I think I was using a different one that required selecting the parent…
Awesome, trying now, this sounds like what I needed! thanks!!!
This reply has been marked as private.I switched themes just now to the supreme directory and I really like it, I’m trying this out! I’m not having that www. issue now either. It’s weird because obviously Divi creates this error when using www. before the domain name in the url:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/71/3589071/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/functions.php on line 8421
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/71/3589071/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/functions.php on line 8421
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/71/3589071/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/functions.php:8421) in /home/content/p3nexnas06_data02/71/3589071/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1174
But this is the only site Divi and geodirectory are having problems together. The only difference that I know of right off is the site having issues has SSL through godaddy. I have another that is on godaddy managed wordpress like this one is. It uses Divi and doesn’t have this problem. But, it is not SSL.
I also noticed that Supreme Directory works awesome out of the box. It’s way easier than trying to use Divi. I love Divi though for blogging. I’m sure it’s one Geodirectory would want to invest toward compatibility wise as much as possible…
Stiofan, if you click the link I sent you, you’ll see there are these tags:
Thing To Do Tags: North Carolina Zoo, Zoo & Aquarium, and To
If you then “Edit this post” the tag field is empty, those tags are not in there.
I’ve also noticed some post having numbers in them. I haven’t had a change to follow what’s going on with it enough, it’s just something quirky with the tags.
What I have been doing with tags, all I’ve been doing is, when I import a listing it may have weird tags. I’m trying to keep the tag structure clean and organized. So, if I don’t notice tags being imported in until I’m reviewing or already published a listing then I have to go back and edit them. I’ll either remove them or just change them to fit the structure I am after.
I occasionally change tags from the backend/admin area. I may remove tags from Custom Post Types or change them there.
Occassionally I have noticed some odd things. I’ll try to get more details and share. For now though the listing I’m referencing has weird tags. So, I was going to remove them, but they’re already gone! I haven’t tried to resave it and see if it goes away or anything. I am leaving it so you can see it.
Other than that, yes you’re correct, tags seem to be working fine other than this idiosyncrasy.
It’s I don’t know why it doesn’t redirect. The DNS record is fine. I am checking with the theme developers now. For some reason the site doesn’t load when www. is included in the url.I haven’t tried to recreate it. But, to try and recreate it I would create a listing. Then create another listing with the same name after clicking “add franchise”. Import pictures from previous listing. Save the listing. Then do that a third time. When I saved the third franchise it came up with an error (something like “data not saved) it was in red at the bottom where save is/was. I don’t recall how I got the error with all that code, I think that was right after trying to save the third listing a couple of times. then I went in the back=end I noticed each time I hit save and got that error “data not saved” it had actually made a listing without the image I had imported…
This reply has been marked as private.I understand what you’re saying. However, I didn’t receive any such alert. I entered the main listing, then when I entered a franchise with the same name I didn’t get an alert. When I entered the third listing with the same name I didn’t get (or notice) an alert. The third listing was the one with problems…