Shane Blevins

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  • in reply to: Site displaying improperly #443378

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Thank you for the assistance. I disabled some plugins I use pretty heavily for other sites as they generally are pretty good at speeding things up for me (WPMU Dev). That appears to be the problem. I’m not sure which one it was, but may look into that further later. In the meantime it seems to be up and running good.

    in reply to: Capability Question #417184

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Thank you very much for the quick response as always Guust!

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398628

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25
    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398620

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Thank you so much!!! Worked perfectly! I guess I some how mixed it up and put it in the wrong line the first time. That is exactly what I needed. You guys here are awesome.

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398562

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Also just to make sure I’m not making a foolish mistake here is where I determined the ‘2’ was the user id for the test account


    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398561

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Hi Stiofan,
    Thank you again for the help.
    I tried the below code (the user Id fort the test account was 2

    function _allow_some_users_live($status){
    $allowed_user_ids = array();
    $user_id = get_current_user_id(2);

    $status = ‘publish’;

    return $status;

    It doesn’t seem to have done anything. I tried under the test account to publish a post and it still went to pending status.
    Do I also need to put a 2 in here as this ,,,,,,,,array(2); or did I mess up somewhere else?

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398525

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Downloaded and activated. Should I run the snippet everywhere (that is one of three options) and do the numbers in this line represent the ids for the users I want to have that special access?
    $user_id = get_current_user_id(1,12,123,1234);

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398515

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Hi Stiofan and thanks for weighing in!
    Could you tell me where I would paste that code?
    Is it here as well (GD > design > scripts > css) or in the editor files somewhere?
    Also am I correct in my assumption that I would write in the User Ids manually into that code?
    Thanks for any guidance!

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398282

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    That would be suitable for some but not all times. I use the GD in a relatively unique way. We allow police and other agencies to share time-critical information (say a kid was just kidnapped). That being the case anywhere we can shave down the time from the event to the police being able to list it could have serious benefits.

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398195

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Ok That makes since.
    So would I be correct in the following thought. In order for me to allow an individual to post directly and avoid going through the payment process each time I would need to correct a different USER status for them in the WordPress settings (ie. subscriber, author, editor, etc..). I tried to change a tester account to author but see that the theme only seems to allow administrator backend access. I know with some other WP themes (focused on blogging) you can give a user author privalege and it only allows them to create post on the backend and nothing else.

    Would that be a custom job suitable for a programmer here . To make it where I can give an account ‘author’ access that allows them backend access to create listings and nothing else?

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398192

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    You’re awesome! It all worked perfectly, thank you very much.
    I have one final question. I see that doing it this way the client has to go through the checkout process each time they create a listing (and can use the coupon). Is there any way to have them only go through it once and then they have unlimited listings in that package (ie. don’t have to go through the checkout every time) Or is the system only suitable for a pay per listing style and not an unlimited. I thought that when I created the package it seemed as if they would be able to do multiple listings for the one price.
    Sorry to have so many questions.

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398181

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Thank you for the quick reply, and I apologize ahead of time for my ignorance.
    Where should I past that code?
    Also I know my next question will be, where can I find the actual link to the package to provide the client?

    in reply to: Need Developer to do this for me #398155

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Thank you very much for your help! Sorry for the delay on getting back to you, I’ve been traveling. I’ve done all above, the only question I have is how I hide the link to the package from my site. Could you elaborate on how I do that?

    in reply to: New Listing Status #392776

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Just out of curiosity. .. do y’all do customization (like the above?) If so how would I go about getting a quote for it?

    in reply to: New Listing Status #392764

    Shane Blevins
    Expired Member
    Post count: 25

    Stiofan, and WPGEO in general as always thank you for the excellent customer service!
    I’m not very familiar with the process of hooks, but will read up and I’m sure I can figure it out. For my clarity should this accomplish both points I was asking about or only one?

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