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  • in reply to: GeoLocation on Specific Pages? #53178

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Cool… Thanks Paolo.

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53094

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    If you guys don’t hate me, you will eventually. 😉 But I will make point things out that I think need to be fixed. I’m committed to the plugin at this point.

    So do this. Here’s a use case:

    Go here, as if though you’ve clicked on a breadcrumb:

    After clicking the above link you are now locked into search results in the city of Altoona only no matter where you go on the site.

    Search for a site by location. You can only get the one listing.

    Search for “Anaheim Ice” by name. The auto-suggester will display the name in the result, but you can’t get to it.

    At this point, unless you are looking for the one listing in Altoona, the site is rendered unusable or useless.

    The search should just work. If the user changes the city, whatever they enter should be used for their criteria. They should be able to change it to whatever they like. And if they clear that field, it should go back and default to nothing.

    At minimum they should be able to enter another city or region and have it use that entry as part of their search criteria – in a “Near: ” capacity.

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53042

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    I call this video, stuck. Because once you are here, there’s no place else to go, but to another site.


    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53040

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Further, if someone ends up clicking a breadcrumb and ends up locking down a country, region or city, and the auto suggester is not enabled, how do they clear the search?

    At that point, there is no way for them to search on anything other than browsing into the list.

    At least that’s the only obvious way.

    So if the “In: whatever” is set – how do they clear it? Seems obvious to me that if they entered something else into that box that it should change to what their new search criteria is yes??

    At the point where the visitor is in for the image attached, they can’t even get to listings in another country because the search is now fully limited to the US. They also can’t search on a rink in Canada by name in the regular search field – even choosing an auto-selected suggestion – because the rink is in Canada and the search is locked down to the US.

    This is a bug. This search mechanism is broken…

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53038

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Tustin without auto-complete – user gets what they want. Results that are close to them.

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53037

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Excuse the typos. I’m on my phone with my 8 month old crawling on me.

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53036

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Again. You need to think and use it as a user. The user doesn’t know this and will leave when they don’t get what they want as quickly as they want.

    I strongly suggest you consider this one because it is a weakness.

    When that In value is set and the user changes it to something else, if they change it to something not auto-selected it should then default to near and whatever they searched on.

    Not giving the user what they want is not good and again, it’s the quickest way to lose them. And getting them to the site is not free. So we all lose money when they don’t get what they want and they won’t be back.

    At minimum when in show the locations in said city/region/etc but also show what’s nearby. Doing less is not in the best interest of the user and I’m here to serve them and make it as easy for them to find what they are looking for as possible.

    This demand is what made Google so successful. Get them to their desired result as quickly and efficiently as possible.

    Please reconsider this one.

    in reply to: Near search auto-completer #53024

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Here’s a video that explains it.. Please watch it – it also speaks to my earlier concern about the Near Location being set and not changing when another search criteria is entered.


    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52865

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298
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    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52855

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Regarding this one though, I see it more as a necessity than a request. It’s a real need because the duplicate checking system method is currently very lacking in sophistication. And right now, I’ve got thousands of people per day coming to my site – some who are starting to add listings and then discouraged in doing so due to false positives. I hope you can understand why this is so urgent for me.

    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52854

    Lifetime Member
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    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52677

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    How about this for a simple and reasonable stop-gap in between making this plugin more robust – to make it more usable.

    If there are duplicates found – when displaying the alert – also show the listings which share the same name and their city and state/province?

    It’s only 5 lines of code and would provide more information to the user who is adding a listing to make a decision to add or not add a listing. Right now, people may stop adding a listing because they think there’s a duplicate where there in fact isn’t.

    You are already doing the query for the match. Just get more of the match data in addition to the listing name and display said info.

    Easy enough.


    in reply to: Tags in CPT Tables #52642

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Thank you Paolo. Is the order significant? Or does it not matter?

    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52494

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Of course.

    Some request are going to be to much. That’s why you have the request approval process. If a request is outside the scope of something you are willing to do or would be financially irresponsible than the request is denied from the start. Therefore, no funds are debited it can not be voted on.

    So if the team doesn’t approve the request, there’s no money invested by the user to promote it.

    However, if a feature is worthy of being built, is reasonable and would provide value to everyone, then allow us to help you build it with our money too.

    I understand that this may be a silly idea, however it is a market driven concept and could create an additional stream of revenue to pay for development – and it would put some of us who want to invest and contribute into the position to so while making things happen more quickly for us.

    The core directory I’m working on used to produce quite a bit of money – and I realize that I have to put more into it again to get things done. The faster I’m able to implement features, the faster I’ll be profitable – and that adds real value to my users – and my bank account. 😉

    in reply to: Duplicate Name should look at city or zip/postal as well #52481

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 298

    Hey – just had a brilliant idea… We are provided a certain number of feature suggestions and votes each month to promote our or others ideas.

    As an additional revenue source, why not allow us to “purchase” additional suggestions and votes. Say $10 per additional suggestion and $1 per additional vote.

    Then if someone wants to get their idea to the top faster, they can pay for it which can offset some or all of the development costs.

    Of course, we’d all have to understand and agree that there is no guarantee that any suggestion would be implemented but it would give those who are more serious about creating solutions “now” a vehicle to have real time business ideas created – and you guys a way to pay for them – without changing the subscription model.

    $400 and you can vote your suggestion to the top of the list.


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