Kathy Long

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  • in reply to: Is there a way to make the archive page title dynamic? #542230

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: How do I get rid of "Services"? #541493

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Never mind! I figured it out. It was a custom post type accessed through the GEODIR settings. I can change labels/names there too. Please mark this as resolved.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Mark this resolved, please. Thanks.

    in reply to: Cannot determine address at this location #541481

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Please mark this resolved. Thanks.

    in reply to: Neighborhood appears broken. What is it supposed to do? #541480

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    I just entered a new listing and the neighborhood showed up fine without pressing that button. So I think it’s fine. Perhaps it didn’t work before because I was editing an existing listing. Thanks. Mark this resolved.

    in reply to: Neighborhood appears broken. What is it supposed to do? #541479

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    That’s so cool! It works now. So the key is you have to click “Set Address on Map” first. Problem is no one will know to do that.

    Doesn’t appear that I have control over the order of those form fields without getting in the code. I recommend you move the set address on map button above neighborhood in that form.

    Or can you change or add to those instructions by the Neighborhood field? Currently, it says “Click on above field and type to filter list.” I don’t know what that’s about because I don’t see a list there. It should at least say “Press the Set Address on Map button to see available neighborhoods.”

    Until you do that, or if you don’t, how can I fix this usability problem on my end?


    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Thanks, Alex. Mark this solved. Still can’t install from the wp-admin, nor do any of the more info links work because they all say plugin can’t be found, but I installed manually.

    in reply to: The logo field goes into the slider and looks horrible. #541472

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Hi Kor, There is actually no problem now. I’m just mentioned what happened and my solution in case others run into the same problem.

    All is good now! You can mark this closed. Thanks.

    in reply to: Is there a way to make the archive page title dynamic? #541471

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Oops! So sorry!
    flywheel / katandmouse

    in reply to: Is there a way to make the archive page title dynamic? #541037

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Alex, your login is right there. That’s the latest. Sorry. My reply must have been confusing.

    I can’t give you access to FTP because I’m on Flywheel server. It’s a specialty WordPress host and they do things differently. You will need to create an account here https://app.getflywheel.com/signup and then give me your email address and I can make you a collaborator.

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    OH shoot! I was wrong. The 2nd time through I didn’t open the advanced. THey are all there!

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    That was the advanced options! You can see “Filters” there and that it’s opened. It stopped at Posts to show. And notice under General in my picture. It stopped at Title.

    I went and tried again and then the filters and general attributes were there. Saved it. Checked in the browser to see if there was any effect. There was not. Went back to try again and now all the attributes are missing again.

    We’re talking about gd_listings here, right?

    If so, it’s buggy.

    Maybe you can help me do this manually then. Next question coming up.

    in reply to: The logo field goes into the slider and looks horrible. #540961

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Just want to point out that whatever I did for the details page to get that logo out of the slider, then affected the details on the archive page which seems impossible. It required adding the fallback image attribute to fix it when it didn’t need that before.

    You don’t need to explain that unless you think other readers need to know. I’m saying this here in case others are having issues as well.


    in reply to: The logo field goes into the slider and looks horrible. #540953

    Kathy Long
    Expired Member
    Post count: 71

    Just when I get the details page worked out the archive page gets messed up because of the logo. Instead of the fallback image that was there, then it put the logo there and again it’s the wrong shape and size for that.

    So I put this in the code: [gd_post_images type=’image’ ajax_load=’true’ link_to=’post’ types=’post_images’ fallback_types=’listing_default’]

    And it’s all good now!

    Here’s a recommendation for you. NO LOGO should be pulled into any image situation whatsoever, other than just as a logo, because they will always be smaller and different aspect ratio. I recommend you fix this in your code so no one has to deal with this.

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