Kevin Heath

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  • in reply to: Anyone know how longer support at THeme Tailors take? #5458

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Thanks for the info.

    I think its time to move the site back to GeoThemes

    Geodirectory is just too time demanding at the moment to base a site on. Might look at Geo Directory in a year or so after everything has settled down and become more stable.


    in reply to: Gridview does not appear to be working #5424

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    This this option something that we can turn off as administrators.

    I really don’t want people changing the way things are displayed on my site.


    in reply to: Grid view stopped working after upgrade #5421

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Also is it possible to have a proper changelog when there are updates to geodirectory.

    I have made a lot of changes to the core files and a proper changelog would be ideal for just replacing the files that have been changed rather than having to sort through the entire plugin to redo the mods.


    in reply to: Grid view stopped working after upgrade #5420

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    whoops sorry should have done a search before posting.

    I’m guessing its the same issue as:

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Hi Paolo

    Don’t worry about the conflict with Woocommerce.

    I’ve just upgraded both core and events and it seems to have solved the issue.


    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Sorry it probably was not clear.

    After disabling Woocommerce the links went to home page then when permalinks refreshed everything worked ok.

    Restart Woocommerce and the dashboard stops working again.

    I’m not too sure why it does not work as the url in the address bar is correct.


    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    It seems like a bug to me if you can not use a part of GeoDirectory – such as the user dashboard – if you have Woocommerce working.

    It means that if you have Woocommerce working then you can not use the favourites feature of geodirectory and people can not access the list of listings that they’ve submitted.

    The favourites issue is not so bad because when I get time I’ll swap the inbuilt favourites with the wp-favourites plugin but people will have to remember which listings they’ve submitted if they want to do any editing.


    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Hi Paolo

    Its the issue highlighted in this posting – Vikas said he was going to look into it.

    I posted all the details in a private post with log in details but in case you can not see it I’ll repost the main parts below:

    The author dashboard has stopped working. The add listing and add event links still work but the favourites for places and events return a 404 so do the my places and my events links.

    It is definitely a conflict between Woocommerce and geodirectory affecting the permakinks for the favourites and my listings in the dashboard widget:

    The issue is a conflict with Woocommerce and permalinks.

    When you activate Woocommerce it must do something to the permalinks because if you try and go to favourites etc in your dashboard you get a 404 error.

    If you deactivate Woocommerce and then use the dashboard you keep getting sent to the homepage if you try and use the favourites or my places /my events links.

    To get the dashboard working again you need to go to WordPress permalinks and resave the settings. The dashboard then works as normal.

    So I assume some sort of conflict between GeoDirectory and Woocommerce.

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #2717

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Strangely enough – uunless I’m missing something – geodirectory does not have a category listing widget.

    I was using the popular post categories until I bought the events plugin and now event categories are showing up so using popular post categories is no longer a solution.

    I did try building a custom menu but there are major issue getting it to display and play nicely on the geodirectory front page widget sections.

    A simple places listing widget would be good.


    in reply to: Might be worth changing you widget class markup #2708

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33


    My mistake – wrong identifier

    you need to use %1$s and not %2$s otherwise it will not assign individual numbers to multiple text areas etc


    in reply to: Places not showing for custom menu buiding #2666

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33


    I’m clearly working too hard. How that one got past me I don’t know.



    in reply to: Author dashboard stopped working #2530

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Author dashboard stopped working #2451

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    sorry forget about the events pages, they were with another plugin.
    I got the events working again by deleting the tables and reinstalling the events plugin.

    The dashboard is still not working at the moment.


    in reply to: title meta not displaying right #2440

    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33

    Hi Stiofan

    Here is a link

    As you can see the title displays:
    Cemaes HeadWildlife in Wales | Wildlife in Wales

    There’s no space between the site and the web site name and then as per my SEO the site name is repeated.


    Kevin Heath
    Post count: 33


    This was causing issues with Woocommerce category and tag pages and affecting all in one SEO plugin


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