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  • in reply to: Owner (Detail Page) Dashboard #46249

    Post count: 72


    Many thanks for the quick response.

    in reply to: Owner (Detail Page) Dashboard #46182

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    in reply to: Owner (Detail Page) Dashboard #46164

    Post count: 72

    Sorry Guust,

    Please see attached . . .

    Thats what I meant I thought I had it figured out, after refreshing page it went back to Y/m/d
    I guess should of included new image.

    in reply to: Owner (Detail Page) Dashboard #46153

    Post count: 72

    Hello GD,

    I thought I had the Date format figured out (Expire Date), but cannot figure how to put this in m/d/Y format . . . it is in m/d/Y in WP Settings > General > Date Format, but does not appear like this under Detail Page Owner Dashboard / User Links Section.

    Is there an easy way to fix this?

    Thank you again.

    in reply to: Saerch Location (Mobile) #45680

    Post count: 72

    Thanks Paolo,

    Finally figured it out . . . works how I wanted, many thanks!

    in reply to: Saerch Location (Mobile) #45634

    Post count: 72

    Thank you for your reply,

    On Android, I ignore using the “Search City” box and can simply touch the (“Everywhere”) dropdown and a alphabetical list of all the cities popup to choose from without using the “Search City” field. Thats why I was asking if removing or hiding the “Search City” box is possible on mobile, not looking for alternative solution.

    Once again, many thanks for your help and quick response.

    in reply to: Change "Title" Home Page Map #45598

    Post count: 72

    Thank You Guust,

    That did it!
    I tried that earlier and uploaded to wrong language folder :O(

    Sorry for the bother…
    Once again, many thanks

    in reply to: Saerch Location (Mobile) #45519

    Post count: 72
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    in reply to: My Dashboard (Mobile) #45254

    Post count: 72

    Many Thanks Paolo,

    That did create a new widget that does work perfectly and was able to reorder the boxes. Unfortunately for me, where I need/want to put it, requires a shortcode.
    That is beyond what I can do.

    The new widget will still be used.
    Once again, thank you very much for your time and help.

    in reply to: My Dashboard (Mobile) #45174

    Post count: 72

    Thank you all,

    Seems to be working well now, nice.

    Also wondering if there is an easy solution or way to rearrange the “Add Listings”, “My Favorites” and “My Listings” (top to bottom) to “Add Listings”, “My Listings” and “My Favorites” as the “Add Listings” and “My Listings” would be used for Business owners and “My favorites” for Patrons and Business Owners. Just a thought. (or should I start a new topic with this?)

    Once again … Many Thanks!

    in reply to: My Dashboard (Mobile) #45142

    Post count: 72

    Hello Simone,
    Thank you for looking.

    Yes that is correct.

    “My Dashboard” on my computer and iPad appears as should, all three appear (“Add Listings”, “My Favorites” and “My Listings”) for me, obviously, because I created a listing and added favorites for testing (see attached computer screenshot).

    On Android (Samsung Note 4) these drop-downs are blank(see attached Android screenshot) When one of the dropdown fields are touched(Android), the popup with the radio button with “Places” shows.

    Thank you

    in reply to: My Dashboard (Mobile) #45088

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    in reply to: File Upload Function: Image Adjustment #41388

    Post count: 72

    Think I got it…thanks

    in reply to: File Upload Function: Image Adjustment #41381

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    in reply to: Maps Have Disappeared ??? #40758

    Post count: 72

    ummmmmmm…. oops… wt#, Liar Liar, I obviously am.

    I do not know or remember even going into GD design. One of those brain fart thangs. Happens alot for me it seems 😉

    I apologize for wasting your time.

    Thank you Simone,

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