Sandra Duarte

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  • in reply to: Linking 2 CPTs to Places #351649

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Well, that’s unfortunate. Could I write some kind of script to allow for that? I’m a student developer.

    in reply to: Linking 2 CPTs to Places #351522

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    My scenario:

    I have Dealers(gd_places). A dealer can be a trainer, or a retailer, or both.
    If they are a trainer, they will have events.
    If they are a retailer, they will have products.
    If they are both a retailer and a trainer, they will have events and products. **this is what i need to achieve**

    Add Dealer listing does not link to any.
    Add Product listing allows link to Dealer.
    Add Event listing allows link to Dealer.

    Is it still true that gd_events can only be linked to gd_places? In the event I have to change dealers to trainers, and create a separate cpt for retailers. But I really don’t want to do that because it will make the process redundant as majority of Dealer listings are both Retailer + Trainer.

    in reply to: Linking 2 CPTs to Places #351520

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    perhaps i should clarify that Products is the only NEW custom post type i’ve added, while Dealers(formerly gd_place) and Events(gd_events) comes with GeoDirectory.

    in reply to: Linking 2 CPTs to Places #351519

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    So you are confirming that you cannot link both a custom post type(products) AND gd_events to gd_places(dealers)?
    because I disabled events plugin, and the custom post type(products) linked properly to gd_places including a (products)tab on the place(dealer) listing. I reactivated events plugin, and when i look at a gd_place(dealer) listing, i no longer see the custom post type(products) tab, it has been replaced with the events tab.

    in reply to: Linking 2 CPTs to Places #351509

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Images of CPTs in Advanced Mode

    in reply to: GD Related Posts #306996

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    “The plugin was designed this way intentionally, as you can link to places/listings easily

      while writing an article

    , using good keywords and the built-in editor.”

    What about while ‘reading an article’?

    in reply to: GD Related Posts #305313

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Sure, as an editor it’s awesome I can link listings to my articles(pictured), however, in doing so, I’d also like those linked listings to show in the published version of the article, otherwise, it only accomplishes a backend function in the blog posts, but not a front end. The linked listings are NOT shown anywhere in the published post for the reader to visit the listing. How can a reader visit the linked listing(s) from the post?

    in reply to: difference between organisers and venues #274021

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Hi- you and I know that by not clicking “fill in business details” that I can still link the business, but the average joe completing the listing won’t know that and I don’t want to get in the habit of fixing listings or over explaining how to complete a listing. Having a caption explain that it’s optional would be helpful, or have 2 action buttons “link business” & “link & fill in business details”.

    Also, shouldn’t the button refer to the CPT slug? I.e. Instead of ‘Fill in “business” details’ it should be ‘fill in “slug” details’- i.e. If I link the model to the make, It should say ‘fill in “make” details.

    in reply to: difference between organisers and venues #273002

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I agree with Erik, as I’m having a similar issue. I’m creating a product listing. I want to link a product to it’s retailer(another CPT), however, after clicking “fill in business details”, I don’t need the retailer’s name & description to appear in the Listing’s details. I end up having to delete it all, because it populates the Retailers Title&Descrip where I need to manually add the Products Title and Description.

    While this may not be considered a bug, it is a break in the customer journey. Please consider that by clicking “fill in business details” on a product listing that is not about the retailer, but about one of the retailer’s products, and populating the retailer’s title and description, the result would be 2 listings with the same title and description under 2 different CPTs (Retailer, Product). That doesn’t seem right.

    If I were to use your Car Make Model example: Toyota (retailer) Camry(product) 4Runner(product)
    When I add a Camry listing, I want to link Camry to Toyota, but I don’t want to populate Toyota’s title and description on Camry’s listing.

    If there could be a tick box to provide the option to Link the business but NOT fill in the business details, that would help, or at minimum be able to add a caption “do not click ‘fill in business details’ if listing title & description are different”

    in reply to: Release of V1.6.6 #272193

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I’ve made the reviews anonymous, but how can I keep the multiratings minimized so visually it doesn’t show this negative space next to the multiratings? And is there away to only show the user’s location since their name is kept anonymous?

    in reply to: GD Related Posts not showing #214149

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Just resubmitted. It was the same text in my original post, without the screenshots.

    in reply to: GD Related Posts not showing #214094

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    Hi Jeff, I did send a query on your site, but haven’t had a response. Let me know what you need to help

    in reply to: Best of Widget #194752

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    That fixed it! Thank you for your prompt assistance throughout 🙂

    in reply to: Best of Widget #194501

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I received this from Kleo theme support:

    in reply to: Best of Widget #194390

    Sandra Duarte
    Post count: 27

    I received the following response from WPGEO:
    Unfortunately, both GEO my WP and GEO Directory are Google Maps based plugin and so, conflicts are expected. It is not always recommended to use Multiple Google Maps plugin on a site because of the conflicts, but many times these conflicts can be taken care of.

    There were other users who reported such conflicts in the past and as much as I know the GEO Directory team helped them with the issues. Have you tried to contact the developers of GEO Directory plugin to see if they already have a solution for the issues that you are experiencing?

    I’ve noticed the plugin also affects Geodirectory dropdown menus within WordPress, for example the Permalinks settings page dropdown menus is presenting the same problem.

    Thanks again for your prompt help!

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