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    Post count: 44

    Dear Paolo!

    Thank you for your reply!

    I’m not native english, so sorry for my grammar. Maybe I was misleading in my previous post.

    What I mean is something like this: I have a “Restaurants” category, and there’s e.g. 20 restaurant listings in it. Every listing has e.g. 2 reviews. It means that I have 40 reviews in my “Restaurants” category. And I would like to output that “40”, if you know what I mean. Not the average, but the total count of ratings in one category.

    I’m also interested about how to display the current location, anywhere on the page.

    I uploaded the pic again, about my widget. Hope it will help you understand what I mean.

    Thank You!

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Dear Vikas!

    I made a custom widget for the front content section. I would like it to work as the widget on yelp’s homepage.

    There’s a list with all the categories. I would like to output the overall review-count belongs to a category. So, not the review-count for one place, but the overall review-count for the given category.

    I’m also interested about how to diplay the current location!?


    in reply to: Different days for events creates different listings #3613

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    +1 to find a solution for this! Thanks!

    in reply to: Signup Page #3588

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Dear Stiofan!

    It seems that under 861px geodir_content div lost it’s 10px padding-left and right. I’m not sure if it’s meant to be like that, I’m just let you know.

    Thank you for your work and effort!

    in reply to: Custom Google Maps #3543

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    I’m pretty interested about this, too! Vote +1

    It would be nice to have a feature like Show/Hide map, also. Like in this example: http://uouapps.com/wp/glocal/

    in reply to: How to translate? #3472

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Dear Chintia!

    Try this:

    • Go to pluginsgeodirectorygeodirectory-languages folder.
    • Open the geodirectory-en_US.po file with POedit.
    • In POedit go to Files > Save As..
    • Save the file as: geodirectory-xx_XX.po <- Replace the xx_XX with your own language’s shortcode!
    • Now, you can translate the texts inside the file with POedit. After you done, save the file.
    in reply to: How to translate? #3380

    Free User
    Post count: 44
    in reply to: location widget not showing on menu #3370

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    Post count: 44


    There’s a “gdfc_theme_setup” function in the child theme’s function.php.

    I have not tried it yet, but I belive you should make a languages folder inside your child theme’s folder and place your translations there.

    Then uncomment the “gdfc_theme_setup” function in the child theme’s function.php and it should work.

    That way the updates doesn’t overwrite your translation files, because you have it in your child theme’s folder.

    Please let me know!

    in reply to: JQuery Tab in page + geodirectory #3331

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Hey There!

    I’m working on the same thing. I made a widget with a static list of the categories, so far. But I like to make it dinamic to work as the navigation on yelp.

    Anyone can tell me, how to insert the category titles and review counts dinamically?

    I have tried using wp_nav_menu function, and it worked, but I can’t customize the list items enought. Is there a way to customize a wp_nav_menu’s list items to display the review-counts for every single category title?

    Any help would be appreciated!

    in reply to: Wishlist /Suggestions #3274

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    @guust: I agree with your opinion! That would be nice. That way it would be possible to rate e.g. products or home services (without physical address, only phone number, email, etc.).

    It would be nice to have the option for the user to not define any address, or just a city, or just a region, or just a country for the listing.

    in reply to: Header menu missing from GD Framework #3125

    Free User
    Post count: 44

    Thank You!

    In case someone have the same problem:

    • Create a new menu in WP and set it’s location to ‘The Main Menu’.
    • Then you can set this ‘The Main Menu’ as the location in GeoDirectory>Design>Navigation tab > Navigation Locations
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