Barbara Magee
Forum Replies Created
Yes, that is the code I gave my developer. Does it make a difference if the code is double-spaced when they try to add it?
Hi Kor,
We pushed off our “go live” to tomorrow so we look forward to that code when you can.Many Thanks!
On the same subject, my developer tried adding this code and got a white screen error:
function _my_remove_layout_options($layouts,$frontend){
return $layouts;
These are links to our dev site. We are switching over to live site on Wednesday.!
Yes, indeed! Working perfectly now! Thanks so very much!
Okay, that’s what I thought might be the case. Thanks.
That worked! How would we get the map to zoom in and display just the listings of any particular region (which are set up as place tags), instead of displaying ALL the listings in our database, which is the State of Oregon?
Thanks SO much!Thanks! We’ll check that out!
Double checking on this code. I wasn’t clear enough in my post.
On our website we have the business hours display configured to be closed at time of page load and the user has to click the toggle to open/display the hours.
I uploaded that blog page image in my original post just to demonstrate how the business hours fall outside the sidebar when they’re opened by the user, and thus our reason for wanting to hide the toggle and display only the label of Open now or Closed Now.
/* GeoDirectory V2 Business Hours – hide the toggle so it cannot be closed*/ {
display: none;
}Will this code hide the toggle on the whole site? We want to be sure the code hides the toggle only in the sidebar widget titled GD-Best of Listings.
Thanks for your help.
The GD-Best of Listings is in sidebar of the Main blog page:
and the right sidebar of single post pages: the user activates the up/down button next to Closed Now to display the business hours, the display doesn’t fit well in the sidebar, so we would like to hide that little up/down arrow so they can’t open the display. We do, however, want to show the words Closed Now or Open Now.
We solved the same issue at the bottom of the details page by reducing gridview from onefourth to onethird.[gd_recently_viewed post_limit=”3″ layout=”gridview_onethird” post_type=”gd_place”]
Thanks very much! Issue resolved.
Thanks! We’ll let you know.
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hello,
Following up again on the problem of business hours displaying behind the image in the row below when the business has more than one set of hours on any given day, such as separate hours for lunch and dinner.Attached is an image of the hours display when opened in List View (the row below moves down to accommodate full display of the hours); and an image of hours activated in Grid View. You can see that Friday/Saturday/Sunday for the place in the upper left are displaying behind the image in the row below.
Can you advise on this? Thanks!