Mitch Canton

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  • in reply to: Recent No Records Found error #414109

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: Recent No Records Found error #414105

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Alex,

    Thanks. Yes, I had gone through the process of saving permalinks – a couple times. 🙂 And the Maps API works, as I have good maps on the other pages, just not the listing details page. I’ll submit credentials and maybe you can see what I might be missing.


    in reply to: multi-select as link #392377

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    No problem. Thanks for the timely reply. I’ll look at that info, and try to figure out another way to accomplish what I’m looking for.

    in reply to: Archive display sorting #392373

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Excellent. I simply tweaked the shortcode some for the ‘Featureds’ layout and character_count, and added

    echo "<hr /><h4>More GoLocal Listings</h4>";

    after the

    echo $output;

    as a ‘transition/intro’ to the complete listings (featured and non-featured), and it’s perfect for what I was looking for.

    Thanks again. You guys are the best.

    in reply to: Archive display sorting #392336

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Stiofan,

    These are fantastic, thank you. I’ve tested both and they work exactly like I would have envisioned. I see where the second one is perfect for sorting the Featureds, then AZ, in the same layout, but I actually like the layout of the first one with the separation between the listings sections. I’m going to test both more and see which sticks with me.

    Only one thing I’d inquire about on the first solution; is there a way to remove the display of anything if the query returns that there are “No listings found which match your selection.” ?

    Again, this is great stuff, thank you for your assistance in finding a solution. Hopefully others looking for the same ability to highlight Featureds without eliminating an alpha sort will find this helpful.

    in reply to: Archive display sorting #392219

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thank you in advance for considering how we might accomplish this. Appreciated.

    Have a great day.

    in reply to: Archive display sorting #392209

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Is it possible to add a shortcode to display before the return of the full category archive display?

    Where if someone clicked a link to CategoryA, the returned listings page would display the Featured listings in CategoryA first (at the top), then all of the listings in CategoryA beneath that, and the display of both would be default as A-Z. It would even be fine if a user could not modify the sort of the Featured group (left as A-Z), but just could select the sort of the regular (all listings in that CategoryA) query display.

    I assume that this would be in the listing-listview.php file?

    Something placed around do_action(‘geodir_before_listing_listview’); ?

    I’m guessing here 🙂 so guidance is appreciated.


    in reply to: Archive display sorting #392079

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    I understand those options, thank you. And I thought of setting it to Featured first, and allowing for user to change.

    But in a perfect world, I was looking for a way to have the archive automatically do a second sort, and understanding that that might be too complex, simply a way to have the category/archive page display ‘two’ sets of records – one that was Featured only on top, and then all the records related to that category/archive under those on the page.

    I used to do that on a custom page with shortcodes with the other directory plugin I used (and I assume I could do the same with WPGD) but I didn’t want to set up page redirects on all the category URL’s – that’s just a pain.

    Any other thoughts on how I might accomplish this? Maybe a template mod? Or?

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Hijacked WPGD Search #375305

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Plugin Organizer is a fantastic plugin for selectively loading plugins.

    The info about the home page is perfect, that’s what I needed to know. I can target WPGD to be active on that page (as well as all the directory related pages) and deactivate it Globally.

    I have tested this, and it seems to work.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Hijacked WPGD Search #375161

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thanks for the list. I had deleted Relevanssi previously. I do have LocoTranslate.

    If I add WPGD back as a Globally ON plugin in Plugin Organizer, WPGD search works fine. I was hoping to limit the need to have WPGD ON across the entire site, and only use it on selected pages. We have a lot of plugins, and we are trying to maintain decent site speed (we are on a WP managed host).

    Plugin Organizer has the ability to ON/OFF plugins by page/child, but also by permalink. While it was working great on the pages/child setup, I tried to create a PO / WPGD search permalink, but that did not work.

    Will search only work if WPGD is on across the entire site?


    in reply to: Shortcode filter gd_package id #366446

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: geodir-sidebar addition #366438

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Hey Kor,

    Thanks, this works great. For reference (myself and any others searching) it simply needed some styling for the column layout to match:

    .custom-stuff {
        margin-left: 75%; /*this would likely need to change based on column settings*/
        padding-left: 25px;

    The real cool thing was that it looked like I could also add a functional shortcode in there (again for reference):

    add_action( 'geodir_detail_sidebar', 'some_custom_stuff', 5 );
    function some_custom_stuff() {    
       <div class="custom-stuff">        
            <p>Testing more content things ...
    <br />
    echo do_shortcode( '[kleo_search_form form_style="default" type="both" context="places" placeholder="search..."]' );
    <br />
    	<p>and even testing content more here...</p>

    and it worked. If there is a more correct way to do what I did with the shortcode, or if you have other suggestions, please let me know.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Social Import on Admin #353786

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thanks for the guidance. I had thought I had most of the ‘usual suspects’ of plugins that tend to conflict already turned off on that page.

    Come to find out the calendar plugin ‘Calendarize-it’ was conflicting in some way with the loading of the map on that page. Which then made everything else wonky.

    Using my favorite plugin ‘Plugin Organizer’ I simply deactivated Cal-it on that page, and voila, the conflict was gone.

    I really thought I had eliminated potential plugin conflicts from the possible causes, my mistake.

    Thank you for taking the time to point me (back) in the right direction.

    Have a great day.

    in reply to: Social Import on Admin #353589

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167
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    in reply to: Social Import on Admin #353588

    Mitch Canton
    Expired Member
    Post count: 167

    Thanks for the detailed explanation, I appreciate it and it makes sense. In our case, it’s very small neighborhood directory, and we do the input as part of the service we provide.

    We’ll change that up some to be in compliance. 🙂

    I’ll send credentials in a sec.


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