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  • in reply to: Placing "Page Title" in Content Area #230779

    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    THANK YOU!!!!! Works like a charm!

    Expired Member
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    in reply to: How can I create separete Places and Events Ma?p #56331

    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    I have a similar question – but i think I can explain differently:

    1. If I create a new page (Named NewPage) with slug ‘newpage’ and add [gd_listing_map] to the page, it shows a map BUT with “No Records Found.” That is despite having multiple “place entries” (as it clearly does is not reading gd_type as it does in other listing shortcodes).

    2. if I change the slug on the NewPage to “places”, wordpress accepts the change and “NewPage” utilizes the slug ‘places’; BUT when you view the page, it is definitely just utilizing the Geodirectory Listing Page (with associated widgets, etc).

    How can [gd_listing_map] shortcode actually be utilized on a “blank page” or in this case “NewPage”

    All other shortcodes work fine and it is a GREAT plugin!

    Expired Member
    Post count: 4

    Apologies for the same question, but I too am simply looking to divide check boxes to columns (so that thefilter window can go much shorter) but all responses are private. Please help and thank you in advance

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