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  • in reply to: Listings with long names #8105

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello @jltrinka, to do that, you need to edit the style.css file in /wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/geodirectory-assets/css
    go to the row 712 or look for the class

    .geodir_category_list_view li.geodir-gridview h3 {

    and remove the line

    white-space: nowrap;


    in reply to: Change color of calendar. #8103

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Actually, the style in the GDF is inline (I will let Vikas knows about), so you will need to tweak the css.

    Add the follow yo your style.css in the child:

    /*that's for the days, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4...*/
    a.event_highlights {
    color: #your text color !important;
    background: #your background color !important;
    /*that's for the title, eg. July 2014*/
    span#cal_title {
    margin-top: -48px !important;
    background: #your background color !important;
    color:#your text color !important;
    /*that's for the days of the week eg. S M T W T F S*/
    td.days {
    background: #your background color !important;
    color:#your text color !important;
    /*that's for the table, the background of the "blank" spaces*/
    table.calendar_widget {
    background: #your background color !important;

    hope i’m not forgetting anything else 🙂

    in reply to: Change icon and text for "Favorite" #8095

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    you like adventures, don’t you? 🙂

    If it’s only the text, you can change that editing the .po file in the languages folder.
    If you want to peek, you can take a look at the listing-listview.php in /geodirectory-templates (row 177/178) and at the geodirectory_widgets.php file in the root of the plugin, around row 262

    in reply to: Add new place defaults to London after submission #8089

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello Adam, what you want is to have set as default Greater London and London as Region and City (when an user submits a place), right?
    To do so, set London as the default city going to Geodirectory->MultiLocations->Manage Location

    Ok you meant that if an user is submitting a place, for example in Leeds, once he submits he will see London rather than Leeds, correct?
    in this case the user should change city using the Language switcher, he will see London because that’s the default city.
    There is no settings to change that, sorry.


    in reply to: Change color of calendar. #8086

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, could you please provide an url? It might be that some of the rules in your theme’s css are overriding the one from the calendar.
    Also, are you using a cache plugin? (w3total cache or wp super cache)


    in reply to: Change icon and text for "Favorite" #8085

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello @jack3 (I remember you from an email about the checkin feature, am I wrong?:) ), that’s not an image, but it’s a web font.

    About the custom text from Favorite to Visited, you can edit that text using the language file (geodirectory-en_US in /geodirectory-languages/)


    in reply to: New moderator part 2 #8082

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Thanks manila boy, John and jroza1.

    @jroza1: Enfold is a great theme to start on, so your dev could use enfold and tweak it as you like/need, in my opinion that would be the best choice because the GD team worked hard to make it 100% friendly with GD. Using another theme will involve more time to make it work like a charm.
    By the way, GD works well out-of-the box with many themes, for example, I’m playing with it using Buddy, you can see a rough example here

    in reply to: New moderator part 2 #7942

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello guys and thanks to Paolo for the warm welcome. I hope to give to the GD community a strong help.
    See you around! 🙂

    in reply to: Changing Widget Text #7933

    Expired Member
    Post count: 3515

    Hello, what Guust meant to say, is that in order to change the standard text for “no listings”, you should change the text inside the language file.

    The language files is obviously made to change the text to other languages, but in this case will easily allows you to change the text
    No listings found which match your selection to the one you want.


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