Forum Replies Created
HI paolo and Stiofan,
the problem is that both portugues and english recent post appear on homepage. i only want English to appear in English version and vice versa.
Here’s WPML support reply to me:
Please be informed that I have tested your website on a local installation, activated WPML plugins and Recent Posts Widget Extended plugin, also activated the Twentyfifteen theme. Added the recent post widget to the home page, only translated posts where being displayed (when the secondary language is active) and only the original posts where displayed (when the default language was active). When Activating your theme(GDF Modern), posts (default and translated) are displayed on the default and secondary language. This indicates theme incompatibility.
To ensure that this theme is made compatible with WPML we need to contact the theme author and work with him on resolving the issue. Could you please provide a link to your theme’s download (or purchase) page as well as contact information email will be fine to the theme’s/plugin’s author so we can contact him? You do not need to do anything other than providing the theme’s author name and email. We will contact the author.
Thank you,”
thank you paolo!
Hi Guust,
I translated ALL PAGES, i have come with some issues.
1. when i set the geopages in ENGLISH, the geopages in portugues goes back to none vice versa, when i set the geopages in Portuguese, the geopages in EN goes back to none.
2. the permalinks has -2 in it. ( .. i had made sure that the Trash is empty (both languages)
I will try this Guust. Inform you in a bit . Thank you!
This reply has been marked as private.Thanks Guust.! I was able to translate all of them! 🙂
not sure if this is the cause of the redirection. I translated ALL PAGES including the GD Pages
but it broke the PAGES e.g LOGIN, LISTING SUCCESS etc..then i saw all required pages became broken.
then i went to GD TOOLS > ran a GD pages check and fixed them
GD Home page is missing.
–>FIXED: GD Home page fixed
Add Listing page exists with proper setting.
Listing Preview page is missing.
–>FIXED: Listing Preview page fixed
Listing Success page is missing.
–>FIXED: Listing Success page fixed
Info page is missing.
–>FIXED: Info page fixed
Login page is missing.
–>FIXED: Login page fixed
Location page is missing.
–>FIXED: Location page fixed
GD Checkout page exists with proper setting.
Manage Invoices page exists with proper setting.After fixing the pages, the translation of those pages are gone.
What am i going to do?
If that’s the pt-br/listing-success
then Yes.
Thanks Guust.
What about the search part:
i couldnt find the strings via .po file or wpml search
Here it is: /wp-content/plugins/geodir_advance_search_filters/css/style.scss
Is it safe if we give users ‘Author’ role instead of subscriber? Let us know
It was setup properly Guust
Thanks a lot Stiofan
Hi Guust,
See what happens after ticking the box
I clicked on New user – Register now link and error 404 appears
If I tick this box what will happen
Is there a shortcode that will appear OR the ‘Create a listing” section will be auto replaced? -