Forum Replies Created
January 1, 2016 at 10:53 pm in reply to: By default list level 1 categories, then subcategories when in that level. #66162
yes… but it cant be set to
ONLY show child categories
ONly show child categories, with listingsso its not a solution
i guess people just gave up on this?
Just so we are on the same page jan lamprecht?
I agree with everything you’ve said.
I am also a former Sabai user/convert.
I am presently converting site no 10 of 15 from Sabai, so yes, i know its limitations.But I use Sabai’s import to get the lat longs.
I have built a custom plugin to export the results in geodirectory import format from Sabai.
The export arrives with lat/longs already entered in the correct fields with the correct headings.So here’s what i do.
import to sabai
import to geo3rd party services are problematic, they time out, they garble results, they don’t like me to upload large spreedsheets with lots of fields etc
So yes yes… I too am a geo user and fan, but to me its like i have an awesome 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle, from the best puzzle make in the business… just with a piece or two missing.
That is very exciting.
OK… so Avada… I’m a hating it. Out of the box, its just ugly. The way post pages are set up is crap, and getting around the defaults is a pain. Sorry, its not even in the same ballpark of lovliness as Jupiter.
So, I am moving back to Jupiter and giving up on Geodirectory for now.
Let me know if you ever make your plugin simply work with any theme or if you create a compatibility pack for Jupiter.
Hmm, I pointed out the problem some months ago, and since I am hooked up for auto updates figured if it had been fixed, it would have been fixed in my site.
Hasn’t happened, though when I check your demo site(your demo site location pages also redirected) i notice they arent anymore.
Will check and see why its now fixed on yours, but not on mine.
I hope you do manage to make your plugin work regardless of themes, or selfishingly in my case, at least with jupiter.
I opted to change to Avada theme for the one site I had already migrated(from Sabai directory) and have for the moment ended all plans to continue using Geodirectory for any other directory sites I operate.
Reasons are:-
a. Other plugins just work out of the box. With all their limitations, they are still less problematic than Geodirectory. Sabai for one, just works. And no I am not a Sabai fan boy. I paid for a membership here with the aim to moving to Geodriectory… its just proved impossible to do.
I don’t feel to create patches to make a plugin work, and the alternatives to Jupiter are not as good. For example, Jupiter allows elements to be hidden from mobiles. Avada doesn’t. Its just not as good.
b. Geodirectory location pages are missing the trailing slash meaning all location pages redirect. Not good when these are the sitemap for you directory. I advised this a couple of months ago yet no movement on a fix for it.
Having paid for a membership for a plugin that doesn’t work out of the box, leaving me more costs and to see what I see as a major bug being left unfixed?
I am abandoning using the plugin for now.
OK, so I am looking to change themes, but the most important thing about Jupiter is its got the ability to lay out pages and posts visual composer.
Are there any other themes that utilise visual composer that work with your plugin?
Visual composer is awesome and to lose the ability to use it would be not fun.
Hmm. Where to start with this?
a. Woocommerce, buddypress and bbpress work perfectly well with Jupiter out of the box. Yes they come bundled with Jupiter, but you can(as I do) opt to delete them from the theme and use the plugin files directly and everything works just fine.
So does every single other WordPress directory plugin.
It’s just Geodirectory, that doesn’t work with it.
b. If your plugin doesn’t work with most modern themes and I must use a GD directory theme or otherwise book in custom programming for the themes I am using…. that’s no good for me. Its more like I bought a directory theme not a plugin and that’s totally not what I wanted.
Why not? Directory themes are always missing all the bells and whistles of modern themes. Fancy posts(video/slider etc) and page layouts, multiple design options, multiple blog layout options(eg newspaper, single column multi column) 100% integration with w3tc caching including minify bla bla. In short if I use any of your off the shelf themes – sure the directory will work but the site layout itself will be limited and boring as your themes are minimal feature wise.
Let me re-iterate.
7 years working with WordPress.
Over 150 sites built.
5 other directory plugins used.Yours is the first plugin ever, let alone directory plugin, that out of the box doesn’t work with the themes I am using.
Not sure where to from here but I suspect back to the Sabai directory. Its not as good as yours… but it just works with all themes whilst yours doesn’t and I don’t have the time or budget to start rebuilding themes to make them compatible with a plugin.
I provided these details a couple of days ago in a private reply? Not working?
Let me know if they came through this time
This reply has been marked as private.And I tried this
Did you have a look at this:
Just followed the basics. At least now I can see the listings, but design is still in the main, largely broken.
OK, I see, its a theme compatability issues… seems to be an issue with lots of themes?
I am curious about that. I use literally hundreds of plugins, and this is the first time I’ve ever had a problem with a plugin not coming with general theme compatibility, especially with so many modern themes.
I am not trying to be a dick here. I am madly migrating sites to your plugin from two other Word-press directory plugins so honestly I am a fan… but the lack of out of the box compatibility with major themes says to me perhaps the structure of some of the plugin impacting on the way themes work is an oversight?
Many people would plug your directory plugin in and then go “Oh, its broken” and leave it at that.
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