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  • in reply to: Cannot upgrade database #484072

    Post count: 116

    Thank you for your prompt and accurate help as usual, Stiofan.

    I found the relevant rows in the options table and dropping them allowed the upgrade to complete.

    in reply to: Detail page: return user ID of listing creator #474447

    Post count: 116

    Thank you Kiran! That’s so useful, it enables me to do so much.

    And thank you too, Alex. I note this solution has found its way into the docs, which is great. Just for the purposes of any future reference for that doc, the returned shortcode should look like this (the shortcode I posted in the original question was actually a bit inaccurate, and the following is simpler and is in line with Formidable’s own documentation syntax):

    [display-frm-data id=x filter=limited user_id=' . (int) $gd_post->post_author . ']

    Anyway, once again, I’m so grateful for this and am thrilled about what it’s going to make possible for me.

    Post count: 116

    Thank you, Alex.

    I created a new discussion this morning but realised that if that gets solved, it would enable Formidable Integration for collecting email addresses, and with a Formidable Plugin such as Formidable-Mailchimp they could be added to a mailing list directly. The new thread is about form views, but it could equally be used to add an actual form.

    The link is here: https://wpgeodirectory.com/support/topic/detail-page-return-user-id-of-listing-creator/

    Post count: 116

    Thank you, I will try that.

    I don’t suppose it’s possible to do this with Formidable Forms? The site already uses that extensively.

    in reply to: Database doesn't exist warning #465337

    Post count: 116

    Hi Stiofan,

    I would like to say a big thank you for taking this issue seriously and suggesting a fix.

    It worked. I had to do a few page refreshes and try it a couple of times, but it has now created the necessary tables and the warning has gone.


    in reply to: Database doesn't exist warning #464137

    Post count: 116

    Thank you, Alex. The problem is that I leave debugging switched on permanently for my local development server, and resolve any warnings as they appear. I’m not going to turn off debugging because it’s necessary to improve the quality of my coding when I’m working on my development server.

    The amount of warnings I’m seing from GD is too much and makes the development server pretty much unusable. On my GD location page there are nine separate warnings.

    I’ve just noticed that it is not just the post_locations table, but more. Now I see the same ‘doesn’t exist’ warning for the ‘mydatabaseprefixgeodir_price’ table.

    in reply to: Update Issues #384291

    Post count: 116

    Update: now the other plugins (e.g. custom post types) are available to update. I don’t know why there was a few minutes delay.

    However, my question about payments manager remains: do I really need to go through the process of updating manually when it doesn’t even look like an update is ready?


    in reply to: Author page Template Issues #366906

    Post count: 116

    Hi Paolo,

    Thanks for that clarification.

    The reason I actually started to investigate this was because on the Front end Author page documentation, it says “This template can be easily overwritten and customized by copying it inside your theme files.”

    So copied it into my theme file, and it didn’t work. If it’s not actually possible to copy and paste this into theme files, maybe that sentence could be removed? It’s quite misleading.

    I wasn’t able to read the page you linked to because even though I have recently purchased a large amount of addons, these are lifetime addons and so I don’t have an active membership. I get a message saying “You must purchases a membership to access that forum. Buy here”.

    Thank you very much again.

    in reply to: Author page Template Issues #366279

    Post count: 116

    OK, thank you for clarifying that. So now I’m back to square one: trying to use author dashboard content in a WordPress page template.

    As I described in the OP, the following didn’t work:

    in reply to: Author page Template Issues #366057

    Post count: 116

    I’m nearly there. In a template page I can use this.

    echo do_shortcode( '[gd_listings post_author="' . get_current_user_id() . '"]' );

    This returns the currently logged-in author’s published listings. However it does not list draft (expired) listings. So I still am unable to do what I wished, which is to use content from the virtual author page in a WordPress template, and I am back to my original question.

    Is there a way to get the currently logged-in author’s listings (published or draft) to appear on another WordPress page—not the Geodirectory virtual author page/dashboard?

    in reply to: Author page Template Issues #366056

    Post count: 116

    Thanks for your suggestions, Guust.

    To clarify, my author page is https://reikiconnect.org/author/myusername/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place, and it already displays the currently logged-in author’s listing. However I want the author’s listing to appear on another page, reikiconnect.org/account.

    Would it not be simpler to add content to the widgets on the author page, after selecting the widget areas at GD > design > author tab?

    This content already appears on the author page. The issue is that I want it to appear on another page.

    Or use the GD Listings shortcode: https://wpgeodirectory.com/docs/core-shortcodes/#listings

    That looks like what I am trying to do. However I cannot limit the listings to the currently logged-in author. According to the shortcode help page:

    post_author=”current” will filter the listings by author id of current viewing post

    When I add [gd_listings post_author=”current”] to the account page, I get all listings by all authors. I want it to filter the listings by currently logged-in user, but there doesn’t seem to be a parameter for that.

    in reply to: Listing Expired Email #366044

    Post count: 116

    That’s great news, thank you very much!

    in reply to: Listing Expired Email #365815

    Post count: 116

    Have I understood correctly: this feature (multiple expiry notifications) is only available in a beta version of the prices and payments addon? And that this is in the pipeline for being released to non-beta users?

    in reply to: Author page Template Issues #364790

    Post count: 116

    Thanks for replying, Paolo.

    On the author dashboard listing owners can see their own listings. From here they can renew and edit their listings. I’m attaching a screenshot of this. The url of the author dashboard on my site is https://reikiconnect.org/author/rcoadmin/?geodir_dashbord=true&stype=gd_place

    I would like to be able to use this in WordPress page templates.

    in reply to: Google Analytics—Total Page Views #312101

    Post count: 116

    I’ve found a plugin that will do it: Post Pageviews

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