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  • in reply to: Multiple Categories Not being applied to new listings #32432

    Post count: 116

    You nailed it, Gust. In Prices and Payments it had Category Limit, “Leave blank for unlimited, can not be 0(ZERO)”. Well it was 0. I don’t remember ever entering that value – is it the default? (I think ‘blank’ would be the best default for this field.)

    Thanks again for pinpointing the issue.

    in reply to: Change entry title for category pages #32116

    Post count: 116

    I thought it could be something to do with Genesis. I did some digging but couldn’t find what it was.

    What you suggested fixed it. Perfect—thank you so much!

    in reply to: Change entry title for category pages #32002

    Post count: 116

    I tried removing everything related to the entry header in Genesis, but still cannot get rid of it. In case it helps, here is the html:

    <div class="content-sidebar-wrap" id="geodir-wrapper">
    	<header class="entry-header">
    		<h1 class="entry-title fn">Reiki Masters and Practitioners in Thailand offering Distance Reiki</h1></header><!--Correct, my customised version -->
    	<div class="term_description"><p>Reiki Masters and Practitioners offering distance Reiki Courses and Treatments</p>
    <div role="main" class="content"><main role="main" class="entry listings-page" id="geodir-main-content"><div class="clearfix">		
    		<div class="geodir-tax-sort">
    			<select onchange="javascript:window.location=this.value;" id="sort_by" name="sort_by">
    				<option selected="selected" value="/masters-practioners/distance/?sort_by">Sort By</option><option value="/masters-practioners/distance/?sort_by=post_title_asc" selected="selected">Title</option><option value="/masters-practioners/distance/?sort_by=post_title_desc" selected="selected">Title (reverse)</option>			
    		<header class="entry-header"><h1 class="entry-title fn">All Reiki Masters and Practitioners in Thailand’s Distance Reiki</h1></header><!-- Incorrect, I want to get rid of this -->				
    			<div class="term_description"><p>Reiki Masters and Practitioners offering distance Reiki Courses and Treatments</p>
    <!-- This is the listings content -->
    in reply to: Change entry title for category pages #31992

    Post count: 116


    That’s exactly the kind of help I needed. Thank you.

    So far it’s all gone well. I have successfully managed steps 2-4.

    The only thing remaining is step 1. Pasting that code into functions.php appears to have no effect on my site. Just to confirm that: I have

    remove_action( 'geodir_listings_page_title', 'geodir_action_listings_title', 10 );

    but it doesn’t seem to remove the action.

    So now I have two entry titles: the default one, which I can’t remove, and the new, customised one.

    in reply to: Change entry title for category pages #31156

    Post count: 116

    I’ve just installed Yoast. Yoast only has options to change the page title and meta descriptions. I don’t want to change those (I can already change them through Genesis framework, which I’m using).

    I want to change the actual entry title on the category page. As I said in the original post, I want to change the page element with the css class of “entry=title”. If you go to this example page on my site, you will see the text I want to change: the text that says “All Reiki Masters and Practitioners in ‘In-Person’”, which currently makes no sense.

    I have tried to solve this issue myself. First I found out what is generating the entry title on the category page. Is it Genesis or a Genesis Child Theme or GeoDirectory? I enabled the default WordPress theme, Twenty Fifteen, and nothing has changed in the entry title. So I guess it’s not Genesis, it’s GeoDirectory. I could be wrong, it could be WordPress itself.

    My guess is that it’s GeoDirectory. So how can I go about changing functions.php to change the entry title of the top-level category page like this:

    • existing: All [name of custom place type] in ‘[name of category]’
    • what I want: All [name of category] [name of custom place type]
    in reply to: Change entry title for category pages #30255

    Post count: 116

    Thanks guys. It’s not just the parentheses, there is also an apostrophe s (in Thailand’s) that I need to get rid of.

    I’ll try an SEO plugin next week and see how it goes.

    in reply to: When can users renew their listing? #24167

    Post count: 116


    in reply to: When can users renew their listing? #23779

    Post count: 116

    I’ve found the answer. All a user has to do is go to their dashboard, view their own listings, click on ‘Upgrade’, click ‘review your listing’, and then ‘update now’. There is no renew button, the ‘update now’ button functions as a renew button, but only when the listing is accessed from the ‘Upgrade’ link. (This will not work if they click on the ‘edit’ link for their listing.)

    This will reset the expiry date to the maximum for that package. I guess the developers knew this all along, but it’s just a mis-communication that means I’ve had to spend time figuring out exactly how the system works (and it works just fine). To save other users this time, I’d recommend changing the default text in the renew email from this:

    If you want to renew, Please login to your member area of our site and renew it as soon as it expire.

    to something like this:

    To renew your listing, please login to your member area of our site. Find your listing, click on ‘Upgrade’ and review your listing. Finally click ‘Update Now’ to renew your listing.

    I know that the wording I suggest is longer, but at least it makes the process clear. Otherwise the user (and site administrator) is left guessing about where the renew link is.

    in reply to: When can users renew their listing? #23673

    Post count: 116

    So the Upgrade link is the Renew link.

    Let’s say I have only one package only, a free one, and it expires after 365 days. At that point the listing reverts to ‘expire’ status. The user receives an email 10 days before expiry.

    When they get the email, how do they renew? If they click on the ‘upgrade’ link, the will get to their listing, and they will see it is currently live (not expired), and they will see only one price package (one year, free). So how to they renew?

    This goes back to my original question, which is whether they can renew during this ‘grace’ period of ten days, to which Guust answered: They can renew at anytime.

    I guess (hope) that I’m missing something here. Thanks again for the support.

    in reply to: When can users renew their listing? #23457

    Post count: 116

    Thanks for that information.

    I can see the usual upgrade link, but nowhere do I see any link to renew.

    My test, one-day featured package listing has now expired and downgraded to the standard one. So I just re-upgraded the expired listing (to the one-day, featured package) and still see no link to renew. What page is this renew link supposed to appear on?

    I’m currently testing all of this on a development server, so can send screenshots if that helps.

    in reply to: When can users renew their listing? #23372

    Post count: 116

    Thanks for the details. I’m trying to plan the customer experience on my site, so I created a test Price with a one day expiry and ‘featured’ status. I changed one of my listings to that price package. I confirm that it’s worked because it’s got ‘featured’.

    I’m now trying to find the ‘renew’ link, but I can’t find it anywhere. Where is the link that allows users to renew their listing? This listing should expire tomorrow, yet I can’t find a link.

    Thanks again for the help.

    in reply to: Edit 'Upgrade Listing' text #23368

    Post count: 116

    Thank you, Guust! I didn’t know that.

    in reply to: Customize listing details on map #23366

    Post count: 116

    Thanks very much for the pointers.

    In the end I went with css. It works!

    in reply to: Edit 'Upgrade Listing' text #23224

    Post count: 116

    Just a note, that my .mo file wasn’t in that folder. It was in:


    in reply to: Re-order fields on add listing form #14005

    Post count: 116

    OK Paulo, thanks for clarifying.

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