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@Wayne One thing that I noticed when I made this change was that on the tutorial page http://docs.wpgeodirectory.com/redirecting-the-login-page/
the apostrophes in the php code are of the curly quote (or angled) variety (I think unicode U+2018). This won’t work with php (at least when I pasted that code into my functions.php it had no effect).
What you need to do is replace the curly quote with a straight quote (unicode U+0027). You could do a find and replace. If I haven’t explained that right then please just ask for clarification. When I made this change, the code worked.
Right you are. Thank you Guust!
I was wrong about the maps. (Corrected by Stiofan.)
So I don’t actually want to re-order the fields in ‘Contact Details’ right now.
However, there are other fields I would like to move. To be specific, on my site (a Reiki directory) I need two fields for name. One is the name of the Reiki Practice, and one is for the name of the Reiki practitioner.
Currently on my site (I just attached a screenshot) one of these fields is a default GeoDirectory one (which I ‘translated’ to “Title of your Reiki Practice”) and the other is a custom one ‘Your Name’. I have already given ‘Your Name’ a display order of 0; there is no way I can move it higher up.
Is there a way to re-order built-in fields on the add listing form?
(It’s not necessary; it would just be neater.)
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for that, Stiofan.
I stand corrected. For some reason it didn’t seem to work earlier, but now that I test it again, it’s working as you describe.
As things stand, the language “set address on map” seems perfect.
Thank you very much Guust for your helpful reply. Thanks to your help I have found the user favourites / listings page for my site. I can see that these pages are created with a link that contains the username.
I hope to make my own sidebar dashboard from scratch. I can’t do that right away since I will need to find a way of getting the logged-in username to insert into the url, in order to get the favourites/listings page. I’m sure I will find a way to do that (with PHP I expect) so that I can build my very own custom user dashboard.
In the meantime, I followed the instructions here: http://docs.wpgeodirectory.com/redirecting-the-login-page/
This has worked for every link generated by my site except the user dashboard. The ‘New User? Register Now’ and ‘Forgot Password?’ links still point to the old locations (e.g. http://reikiconnect.org/?geodir_signup=true&page1=sign_up), not the new location (http://reikiconnect.org/account/).
I can see how to translate the text ‘New User? Register Now’ and ‘Forgot Password?’, however, I don’t see a way to change the url that these links point to.
FYI, the code that I used to redirect the login page is here:
// Redirect the login page add_action('init' , 'geodir_redirect_to_default_login') ; function geodir_redirect_to_default_login() { if(isset( $_REQUEST['geodir_signup'])) { wp_redirect(home_url().'/account/'); exit(); } }
Thanks again.
I’m trying to get my head around maps. I think part of my confusion might be a language one.
There is a button that says “Set address on map”. It’s ambiguous what that might mean. Does it mean use the address you’ve typed, and set the map to that address, or vice versa — find an address by dragging around the map, and set the address to that?
After experimenting I believe it’s the latter. So I think a clearer button might be: “Set address from map”
I’m not sure if I want the same thing or not. If the user presses ‘add a listing’ but is not logged in, I want them to be directed to a URL of my choosing instead of the default geodirectory sign-in / sign-up page. Is this possible?
Good! I haven’t started with a Thai translation yet; it may take some time. But it’s nice to see there is a place to share translations.
Thanks for confirming that.
Thanks guys.
For now, I’m using translation, as Guust suggested.
Glad to know it’ll be fixed in future versions.
Thank you, John. I tried that, but it didn’t seem to have any effect.
Since I only want to disable them temporarily, I’ve opted for css:
.geodir-breadcrumb { display: none !important; }
Thanks for that info. I have turned caching off for this domain.
Thank you very much for the info about the user dashboard. I have been wondering about that for a while!
Thank you Guust very much for testing this for me. I’ve just re-tested it myself with the same browser (IE 11) and found that it’s now working.
A couple of questions for you. What’s the link to find someone’s author page? I would expect to find it in ‘My Dashboard’ but that only seems to have a login form or a logout link.
The other one is about caching. I do have both static and dynamic caching (Varnish) enabled on my site. My host is siteground. Is this likely to cause problems? It would (obviously) be best if no-one ever gets a 404 error when they register.
Here it is: reikiconnect.org
The link I am using for users to add a listing is http://reikiconnect.org/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_place
After signing up, the 404.
MailBank plugin seems to have fixed it.
WPGeodirectory emails are still not getting written to the email log.