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I’ve just tested it again, with admin set to receive BCCs for everything. Still no email received, and still nothing in email log.
I’m hoping to get my site live today. Is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot this?
Thanks so much for your replies. I checked again today with Firefox and the problem has disappeared. I didn’t think of clearing the cache yesterday – perhaps that was it. I also installed the Fontawesome font on my computer, which may be related.
I understand that I can add styling to
, however, it’s not just the white background. There is padding and other possibly other styling, and since Genesis is responsive, this will change depending on screen size.
One way to fix this is to find every instance of
in the Genesis childtheme stylesheet and add
. That would probably work.
I was hoping for a neater solution – adding
to the class of those asides. I haven’t been able to find documentation on GeoDirectory filters and hooks and such, which would have been my first place to look to try to find the solution myself. It may be easier just to solve this problem with the stylesheet.
Update: This problem is also effecting the page https://wpgeodirectory.com/
In the top-right of that page is a link to “My Account”, and on either side are fontawesome icons (fa-user and fa-caret-down). They are garbled in firefox, at least the firefox I am running (garbled in the same way as they are in the screenshot I posted). I just disabled all plugins and extensions and still they are garbled.
Is this just me?
I don’t seem able to edit the post any more. I forgot to credit the creator of that custom code, Paolo.
I just tested the “send to friend” feature from the listing’s detail page. The email did not send. (I tested it twice, both as a logged-in user and not logged-in.)
To help troubleshoot emails not being sent, I use a great little plugin called Email Log. It logs all emails sent from WordPress, and so even if things are being caught by spam filters, you should still be able to see that they were at least sent by WordPress.
The “send to friend” email does not appear in the email log.
Thanks for the reply, John. I would like to use it on one sub-site only, so will go ahead.
I am setting up a new GeoDirectory site. I would love to use multisite, but will not do so if it’s likely to cause problems, especially long-term.
OK, I will give that a shot!
Thanks, I’ve understood it now!
Yes, /add-listing/?listing_type=gd_place does work, but /add-listing doesn’t.
So I need to create a link to /add-listing/?listing_type=gd_place and give that to users.
If I understand correctly, /add-listing/ is not actually meant to be visited.
Thanks Guust for clarifying the difference between Geotheme and GeoDirectory. And the URLs in the GeoDirectory demo are exactly what I was looking for : )
I have since found out that the broken submit listing form is on the automatically-generated page http://domain.com/add-listing/. It simply doesn’t work. Fresh install, page added by plugin, page doesn’t work. However I have found a form that works: http://domain.com/add-listing/?listing_type=gd_place
I will keep working on this and will get back to you if I have more questions!
Thanks again.
Thanks for that!