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Hi, I am back.
I have now completely reinstalled GeoDirectory in a new sub-directory. The installation went OK and I was able to import dummy data.I seem to have a couple of problems.
1. In the Auto Update I entered my username and password and saved but the fields remain blank.
2. I have tried to add a place category but it will not save the new category.I suspect I still have a problem with the password I am using.
Thanks Les
I only have one site but these updates are overly troublesome. I am sure it will get sorted soon.
OK, you are brilliant. Thanks.
Hi Guust,
Thanks for all you help. I am now successfully adding info and it is showing up on the map. However I do still have problems.
The first one is that the Geodir Marker Cluster plugin does not seem to be working.Thanks
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Thanks Guust and Paolo. I still have the problem. This is what now shows on the Geodirectory homepage.
As I only have some test data in the geodirectory and the geodirectory is the only thing in the subdomain I am thinking the quickest way to sort this is out is to delete everything and start again? Seems drastic but is there any other way?
Am I right in assuming that the password I use in the geodirectory updates MUST BE THE SAME as that used to access the Members area of Geodirectory?
How do I change the password used in Geodirectory Updates?
Hi Guust,
What I did was to update the core Geodirectory plugin, I then got messages saying I should update the addons, which I was unable to do because I then received a message saying I needed to login (or something similar). So I decided to download the addons I wanted to my computer, deleted them in WordPress and upload the new versions.
All appeared correct when viewing the WordPress plugins page but the public side no longer appears to update i.e. when I add a new location using the WordPress backend it does not appear to show on the public side.
NOW it says no records found although they still exist in the backend.
Ok, thanks for your prompt answers.
Thanks, for some reason I just could not find that information.
OK, that worked Thanks.
Can the pop up box that appears when you click on an icon on the map be editable. At the moment we are restricted to name, address and telephone number. I would like to get rid of the address and add the website.
Thanks Guust. I will put in a request to see if it can be done in the future.
OK, sorted. Thanks.