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Hi, Giri, I’m still having problem with video embeds.
Recently someone added an event listing in my directory, and he used youtube and vimeo links within his posts and of course videos are not responsive, check out the images.I definitely can use some shortcodes when I create blog posts on my own, but I cannot make regular visitors use them and I don’t want manually edit all the listing containing video links as well.
The question is why responsive wraps cannot be added automatically to all post types like on the other wp themes I used before?
Hi, Kor
I’ve figured out on my own how to wrap it, here is the code I used:add_action('geodir_before_listing_listview', 'my_call_to_action'); function my_call_to_action() { if ( geodir_is_page(listing) || geodir_is_page(search) ) { //gd place start if ( 'gd_place' == get_post_type() ) { echo '<div class="your-place">Your Place not listed? Please <a href="">click here</a> to add your place now.</div>'; } //gd place end //gd event start elseif ( 'gd_event' == get_post_type() ) { echo '<div class="your-place">Your Event not listed? Please <a href="">click here</a> to add your event now.</div>'; } //gd event end } }
The only problem is that it doesn’t show up when there is no listing found. How can I make it show up on “no listing found pages” as well?
Hi, I’m not sure were to place div wraps in relation to echo function, i’m not good at this, can you help me?
here is what I’ve tried, but it didn’t work:if ( geodir_is_page(listing) || geodir_is_page(search) ) { //gd place start if ( 'gd_place' == get_post_type() ) { echo <div class="your-place">'Your Place not listed? Please <a href="">click here</a> to add your place now'</div>; } //gd place end //gd event start elseif ( 'gd_event' == get_post_type() ) { echo <div class="your-place">'Your Event not listed? Please <a href="">click here</a> to add your event now'</div>; } //gd event end } }
Can you give me, please, a step by step guide how theme update via ftp works, cause I’ve never did it before and I don’t want to mess up anything.
Thanks.One more question, how can I style this line?
Thanks Kor,
Thank you, but this code inserts “add place” link into ALL CPTs, is there a way to insert different call to action lines in different post types. For example when they search events – they get “add event” link instead of “add place”?Hi, Giri, I thought that these days youtube embeds are responsive in wordpress by default. This is why I mentioned this problem. Unfortunately I cannot use shortcodes for emebeded videos, because I’m using another plugin that requires clean youtube links and I cannot get rid of it.
May be there is a way to fix this responsiveness issue in some other way?
Thank you.What if I want to wp-admin area to be visible only for authors and those that are higher not for regular users and subscribers?
Can I do that?No, simply decrease the screen size, so that the title of the first post gets in 3 lines instead of only 2.
It has worked, thank you Guust.
Hi, Guust,
According to this post there are two part of the code:
1. <div class=”g-recaptcha” data-theme=”light” data-sitekey=”XXXXXXXXXXXXX” style=”transform:scale(0.77);-webkit-transform:scale(0.77);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;”></div>
2. <style>
@media screen and (max-height: 575px){
#rc-imageselect, .g-recaptcha {transform:scale(0.77);-webkit-transform:scale(0.77);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;}
</style>I can easily apply the 2nd in the custom CSS, but I’m not sure where I can apply the 1st?
That’s great, thank you guys 🙂
Thank you.
Ok, got it, though I’m not sure, can I fix that google ads error somehow or it’s coming from the google?
And I personally don’t use facebook videos, but those were imported from the facebook by default, with the social import addon. So I suppose people after they start uploading listing on their own, they will use it too. Can i restrict the use of facebook videos in some way or another?
Thank you.