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  • Brigitte
    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    You’re right Stiofan, it’s better to use the GeoDirectory feature rather than a third-party plugin for this type of use. But I did not understand the code that you copied me is not integrated with GeoDirectory? Should I add it in functions.php?

    Today the stats are undeniable: the biggest sources of spam are E-MAILS & PHONES NUMBER. Would it be possible to also protect the custom field related to the phone?

    Moreover, there are now 3 types of protection for these 2 sensitive datas (email & phone):

    1) JS Rot13 – The SAFEST method using a rot13 method in JavaScript.
    2) JS Escape – Pretty safe method using JavaScipt’s escape function
    3) Html Encode – Not recommended, equal to antispambot() function of WordPress

    Any chance one day that GeoDirectory v2 users can protect this data with option 1 or 2?

    It should not be forgotten that directories are the major target of scraper robots. For example in France the largest national directories obviously protect all these 2 data.

    in reply to: GD v2.0.0.55: Business Hours issue #486832

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    About the class “gd-bh-expanded”, the problem is that it expands ALL modules of opening hours on the website. I only want an auto-expand for single listing page. It is possible?

    in reply to: GD v2.0.0.55: Business Hours issue #486831

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Ok I understood.

    In this case, if GeoDirectory takes into consideration the correct timezone offset from UTC (not including daylight savings time set in WordPress settings), why does it still display +2 in the opening hours settings, when I create a new listing? I have to manually correct +1 every time.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Thank you very much Paolo.

    in reply to: GD v2.0.0.55: Business Hours issue #486390

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Thanks Stiofan,

    But I’m sorry I don’t understand what you mean about UTC/DST 🙁

    The only thing I can tell you is that currently in ALL France we are in summer hours (+2 compared to UTC). And the business hours feature does not work properly, despite the fact that there are +2 in its settings, as shown on my screenshot.

    in reply to: GD v2.0.0.55: Business Hours issue #486336

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Problem still not solved, still and always the same problem… Please watch the screenshot correctly, there is all the information to see the bug.

    Kiran please, please read me correctly. From the beginning I specify that I use only French addresses. Do not talk to me about regions timezone, in France ALL regions have the same timezone 🙂

    Thank you in advance for solving this problem.

    in reply to: Status WPAllImport #484646

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hello patrik, thanks for your reply.

    in reply to: Status WPAllImport #484586

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Very interested too. What the news? Please stop private reply for this, we are excited for this powerful CVS/XML import 😉

    in reply to: [GD places + WC Products]: The best way! #484466

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    I find it surprising that with all GeoDirectory add-ons (eg GD Custom Post Types or GD Pricing Manager), there is not one that offers the functionality to consider the CPT “product”.

    Even more surprising, I’m not the only one to ask for this feature in recent years for GD. Is a plugin planned in the future?

    And you did not answer my question above, about a possible development of this feature by developer Vikas, creator of GeoMarketplace.
    I have an appointment with him on Monday morning to discuss this and this can lead to a development to make “GD Advanced Search” compatible with the CPT “product” of WooCommerce.

    What do you think ? Thank you…

    in reply to: [GD places + WC Products]: The best way! #484425

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Matrix GeoDirectory Marketplace #484203

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    I did not see that this post was in solved status. This topic can be stay close. I create a new topic here:

    in reply to: Matrix GeoDirectory Marketplace #484186

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Important detail, I do not care about the frontend manager and front page offered by WC Marketplace. I just mainly use the core “marketplace” of the plugin.

    For all other things, I only want to work with GeoDirectory & WooCommerce. This will also facilitate integration and compatibility between the plugins.

    I hope I have been clear this time.

    Adrien S.

    in reply to: Matrix GeoDirectory Marketplace #484183

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    In fact basically here my settings:

    I use GeoDirectory for places with physical locations (farmers):
    CPT: gd_place
    Tax1: gd_placecategory
    Tax2: gd_place_tags

    I use Woocommerce for products:
    CPT: product
    Tax1: product_cat
    Tax2: product_tag

    I use UsersWP for customers (users with role “customer“)
    I use WC Marketplace for vendors (users with role “vendor“)

    Regarding what I said previously, marketplaces are becoming more and more successful. I think it is important to be able to integrate in the core of GD the ability to manage the CPT “product” (CPT by default WordPress).

    If this is not in your projects, I absolutely must know how to configure (GD + all add-ons + WooCommerce + WC Marketplace + GeoMarketplace). Because I intend to use GD for years, I intend to save all my savings and time in this project.

    My question is:

    CASE 1: Do I have to create my products and categories with the default WC (product) CPT?
    Advantage: Multi-compatibility with the core of WooCommerce, as well as any plugin dedicated to WooCommerce.
    Disadvantage: GeoDirectory does not want this CPT, and therefore all the powerful features of GD are unavailable. For example, the add-on “Advanced Search Filter” can not search for products, etc.

    CASE 2: Or do I have to create my products for sale with the creation of a new CPT managed by GD, for example: “gd_product”?
    Advantage: Multi-compatibility with GD core and his add-ons.
    Disadvantage: Only recognized and managed by GeoDirectory core, and not recognized by WooCommerce & WC Marketplace

    Is there really no solution for these entities to coexist? And I specify in a stable and safe way?

    A big thank you to you in advance, it is absolutely necessary that I know this base, so as not to start all over again in the future.

    in reply to: Just a thank you to the entire team #483740

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Of course Paolo, it’s done!

    in reply to: SVG Markers Icons #483634

    Expired Member
    Post count: 235

    Hello Kiran,

    Thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately yes you’re right it moves the icon SVG.

    But I found a better solution that I share here: you have to specify the size of the .SVG in the file itself!

    For example, replace:

    <svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 56.673 56.673" style="enable-background:new 0 0 56.673 56.673;" xml:space="preserve">


    <svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" height="45px" width="45px" viewBox="0 0 56.673 56.673" style="enable-background:new 0 0 56.673 56.673;" xml:space="preserve">

    Now the icon is placed correctly on the map, and especially Firefox and Internet Explorer DISPLAY the icon. Without specifying the size in the .svg file, the icon did not appear on Firefox for example 😉

    Thanks again for your help Kiran, I did not know the CSS code you told me, it could be useful for other things 😉

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