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  • in reply to: Logo placement in the sidebar? #36076
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Sorry, no. That doesn´t work. The file-upload is creating a link to a file such as i.e. a pdf-file. But in order to see a logo you cannot use this. Ok, meanwhile I have found a nice solution: Using “textarea” and embedding follwing code

    img src=”(any URL to an image)” alt=”” width=”100%” height=”100%”

    That´s working fine and is nice and easy.

    in reply to: Logo placement in the sidebar? #35996
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hi Simone,

    yes of course, but what type of custom field is to choose? I just tried a html-field. Is there a alternate methode?

    Next question:
    The default custom fields “video” and “special offers” are html-custom fields and the only ones that work with iframes. That fields must have special properties? Is it right?
    All other html-fields or text-area-fields do not work with iframes. Is that right? What can you recommend?


    in reply to: Cannot see widgets in the sidebar of the details-page #35514
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    is there a possibility to create a custom field that alows customers to upload a single image file such as a logo placed in right sidebar of the details page? I would pay for that service if someone is developing it. Looking forward to an offer.


    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32334
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I will try it all out over the weekend.
    Can you please check something: Translation from “deutschland” to “deutschland” does not make sense. I think it must be “germany” to “deutschland”. How to solve this?

    Thank you very much!

    Wish You a nice weekend.

    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32327
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I can see Your test-listing with three different pictures in the slider. But in the mediacenter is only the first one you added before.


    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32324
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    The testimage with the nice Segways is uploaded in the right folder. In case that you have only one picture uploaded is that a normal result. The problems came up by uploading more than one photo. Did You also tried this?

    Notice: The files that have been uploaded are been renamed, i. e. from “segway-touren-in-stuttgart-230” into “31_segway-touren-in-stuttgart-230”. I can see the rename in my ftp-programm but not in the WP mediacenter. Is this normal?

    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32321
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    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32319
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    Post count: 52

    Yes, the other installation contains only GD Directory. The Core Plugin and 3 GD-addons: custom post types, payment manager, multi-location manager. No other Plugin. It is completly fresh.

    To change the host will be complicated. I have got all my domains and installations there. It is named “domainfactory” –

    Dont know what to do next. The work of the last two weeks seems to be wasted..

    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32305
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Ok, but this information is not the solution. I already tried this all out.

    We have got the following situation. Hope you can help me:

    I ve got one GD-installation under “” where the attributes of the upload folder are “755” and only one picture is getting saved in the folder “uploads” once I drag-and-drop a bulk of them into the upload field in the backend of the add-listings-page. The pictures are displayed temporary and disapear later on. I think they are only in the cache.

    You wrote that there must be any kind of conflict while using Virtual Composer. Thats why I installed a 2nd GD directory under “katalog.segwaytouren24.”.

    The problems with the 2nd are the same as seen before.

    It is definitly not the attributes of the upload folder. And it seems not to be the a conflict between geodirectory an virtual composer. It is something else.

    I urgently need a solution for that.
    I cannot sell any places in the directory with this bugs.

    Can you help me?

    Thank You.


    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32288
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hello there,

    already done, but look what happens: (screenshot). The attributes get overwritten into “xxx”. Any idea?

    in reply to: New Place added, published, but not displayed? #32268
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hello Guust,

    I started my installation from the beginning today. There are some hardcore issues I hoped to solve within. But not!

    I already wrote to Simone about a problem that pictures uploaded are not been displayed and are not saved in the upload-folder. Only one of a bulk is uploaded and saved but cannot say why.

    Ok, the 2nd problem is the same as already written above in this thread: New listing in Germany will not show in listings after translation. Right now I have a translation from “Deutschland to deutschland” (screenshot).

    It is realy hard for me to work with that bugs. Sorry for contacting you every day. But you know it is very important for me to continue.

    Thanks a lot for all.


    PS: The login credentials are the same as you already got. the new domain is: “”

    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32261
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hello Simone,

    my pictures uploaded to the slider still disapear without reason. Additional I cannot find them in the upload-folder? There is only one photo of 12 in the upload-folder. Cannot say what the reason is. Temporary all pictures where been displayed in the frontend. After that I liked to edit the listing. As I opened the beckend the photos where been deleted.

    Plus: Today I startet editing the GD from skratch in another WP installation separated from the former installation because of your tip as you said yesterday. I did hope to solve the issues with the pictures but not!

    Question: What kind of attributes should the upload-folder have? Maybe thats the reason of not uploading or not saving the photos in the upload-folder. Need urgend help for that. Cannot find the problem and the time is running…

    Thank You.

    in reply to: How to SEO for slider-pictures? #32147
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    I will install it in an whole new installation an seperate it clearly from the other content. Its better.

    in reply to: How to SEO for slider-pictures? #32138
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Ok, that is critical situation. I love to use Visual Bakerys Composer.
    Can You please explain what kind of conflicts it is creating? How to avoid them without disabeling the Composer?

    Maybe it is better to split my WP installation into to several sites? For that is there any posibility to easyly copy the whole WP installation? After that I would link both systems so a User cannot see it. Is that a solution?

    And there is another question yet:
    I want users to upload a logo from theire company. It should have been displayed in the details-page-sidebar as a picture. As I use the custom-field “upload” the picture is automaticly displayed as a thumbnail. I need it in the original size.



    in reply to: iFrames in custom post fields? #32117
    Free User
    Post count: 52

    Hello Guust,

    yesterday I tried again embedding an iframe into a custom field of the GD gd_places post type. I tried it out with html-field-type and with textarea field-type, but it did not work again. After that I embedded the code into the field “video” that is already containing the embed-code for the youtube-video. In this field the iframe is working and to be displayed in the frontend.

    Please have a look here (all iframes in the field “video” in the sidebar)

    Comparing the two fields named “video” and “fb” I cannot see any differences. But as I said – the iframe is only beeing displayed in the “video”-field. Can You explain that?

    S: I do not use Visual Composer for editing GD Posts. It is used onliy for the not-GD-pages outside the plugin.

    Thank You for Your support.


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