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  • simonxyz
    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kor / Alex,

    I am still struggling with developing my site.

    Developing GeoDirectory is not easy for a newbie. Do take a look at what I have done so far on my site, actually most of the work has been done by Guust, one of your peers.

    I am trying to model my site after Supreme Demo with some added categories such as:

    – Services
    – People
    – Products

    However, I might end up streamlining the categories I have.

    Where are the instructions on how to:

    – create different listing packages (with different features and price for each listing package chosen) ? BTW, Your Payments and Pricing video is outdated because I am using your new pricing manager and compared to your video and what my pricing manager looks like, I am missing a lot of features when I got to my admin/GeoDirectory/Settings/Pricing
    – add a user page, where user can see their listings, edit profile?

    Basically, being a WP newbie I am feeling lost. I thought by buying all the plug-ins, which i have, and installing the Supreme Demo, I would have a demo looking exactly like the working Supreme Demo found at Supreme Directory Demo but I now realize I have to built it by myself.

    Also, looking at your documentation page at v2 documentation page is overwhelming.

    I simply would like instructions for create Supreme Directory Demo, with instructions on how to create 2-3 paid listing packages with instructions that have instructions with 1, 2, 3, … etc. (step 1 do this, step 2 do this, step 3 do this, last step = you have a working model of Supreme Directory with three paid listing packages. Now you are set to go.

    My login for the admin section of my site is still valid. Feel free to take a peak at what has been done on my site already.



    Expired Member
    Post count: 17


    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Guust, for adding the login / register links on all my “ADD LISTING” pages.

    Can you please:
    – create the Classifieds page exactly like on the Supreme demo with the Login and Register links included
    – add the Classified link in menu area
    – include “Add Classified” in sub-menu of “Add Listing’

    Thanks for being so helpful!

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Thanks for doing what I have requested Guust!

    How do I add the Login and Register each of my Add Listing pages:
    – Add Place
    – Add Service
    – Add Product
    – Add Person

    Refer to the attachment.

    Thanks Guust!

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17
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    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    I am new to wordpress.

    I am still confused. I got the impression that one you installed the Supreme Directory theme and all the plugins needed to work for this theme, it would look and function exactly like the: Supreme Directory demo found here Supreme Directory demo but this is not the case. After installing what I needed, my site didn’t look at all like the demo in the link.

    It seems like I have to build pages and menu links in order for my site to look like the demo. Being new to wp, I am finding this to be a challenge. I was hoping to have an exact look and functionality oft the Supreme Director Demo so I can backtrack and learn wp by exploring this fully working demo.

    Was i supposed to get a fully running version of the Supreme Directory Demo upon installation of the theme and all its plugins and I simply did my installation WRONG or after installation of theme and plugins I am to build my site to look like the demo?

    If I am to build the Supreme Directory demo on my own…. can i instead have files to upload the will give me what I need so I won’t have to do all the steps required to build Supreme Directory demo on my own? (Being a newbie to wp I find this task overwhelming).

    I look forward to your reply.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    I’m still having a few problems.

    1. After re-running Setup Wizard I didn’t get the same menu links found that are found on the Supreme Directory demo. Shouldn’t I get the same Menus items on my home page like the ones shown on the demo after re-running Setup Wizard?

    2. I have set Membership to: Anyone can register
    but when I click “Add listing”, this page is missing the: Login Register links.

    How do I solve #1 and #2 ?

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    thanks Alex!

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Oh, one other thing before I close this.

    Which installation documentation page(s) did you follow in order to (re)-create the Supreme Directory home page for me, if any? I’d like to look at these steps so I can become familiar with them.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kor,

    Thanks for the link to the exact page where I was able to figure out how to display all the search items I wanted display.

    Consider this issue closed.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Hi Kor,

    Thanks, that’s the look I was looking for but I also would like the:
    “Search for” text entry box to be added the the search section.

    Refer to the attached image and link found here Supreme Directory demo

    thanks a bundle!

    Expired Member
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    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Thanks for the explanation.

    Expired Member
    Post count: 17

    Thanks Kor!

    Consider this issue closed.

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