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  • in reply to: force choose location #50764

    Post count: 114

    any thoughts?

    in reply to: force choose location #50273

    Post count: 114


    I might have a solution here.

    in the popular posts widget you can specify the sort by order.

    What i need to do ideally is to have them show featured only. which can be done by tick box

    Which would leave the sort by field free in theory to be able to sort by distance

    So there would always be a featured listing showing even if it miles away but when i search on the site for london with a free text search it shows the featured listing for ererie ink which is in walsall but shows the distance under it as 108 miles away.

    which is fine so long as i could sort by distance nearest first for those listings and tick the only show featured box

    in reply to: listings screen in backend blank white page #47550

    Post count: 114


    just for everyone elses info. the transposh translator can, without updating or beign given any other work to do, cause wpgeodirectory not to work randomly

    in reply to: force choose location #47521

    Post count: 114

    sure. this would work if the consumer only wanted to see listings near them. but if they want to look somewhere remote from them then i need to control the features listings there.

    I think the solution is for the widget to be aware of the map point on the page it is on. not just on location pages but anytime a search is done on the map or the marker etc is moved.

    lots of people search for tattoo artists a way away if they want a certain artist or a certain style which a studio specialises in. i need to amke surte i cater for this properly.

    in reply to: Adding Content to specific pages #47520

    Post count: 114


    almost. it has 2 of the things i want. essentially i want to try and extend this widget so i can choose form some additional content for each location.

    Perfect outcome would be control of

    Title of page
    content type 1 before listings (current description widget output is fine)
    content type 2 additional description which i want to put under the listings on the page.

    so its adding two more bits of data for each of the locations in the db and then ahve the widget able to choose any of the two on page types of content from either a dropdown or maybe a tickbox
    would also mean i could put the additional info in a sidebar etc if i wanted to.

    And the title control is pretty important to me as i really want to be able to control the output of the title on every page possible. I know i can do this with yoast to a certain extent on some pages but i would like proper control on the directory pages.

    in reply to: Using Wp All Import plugin to import listings #47262

    Post count: 114

    @brettbum just a quick FYI there are required fields for the import which i was a bit confused by originally but its just the required fields for the locations and lat long etc that make up the listing and its supporting bits.

    follwo the instructions on the importer and make sure to use openoffice calc to do your edits as excel is a pain if your not totally familiar with its quirks.

    in reply to: Adding Content to specific pages #47241

    Post count: 114


    what is the best hook for the location info?

    I want to add some additional fields for more data that i can pull into the pages.

    plan is to add a before content field an after content field then modify the widget to be able to pull these in or change / hook into the template to pull in that data and display it on the relevant pages.

    Looking for hook advice basically both front end and backend


    in reply to: force choose location #47240

    Post count: 114


    What i need to try and make sure i can do is sell featured listings.

    So when someone is on the site and does a search the best featured listings show.

    or the correct ones at least.

    I would hope most people will ahve sharing of location switched on but as i cant guarantee that i was instead going to try and force known locations.

    I would rathert not lose the search functionality. so i thought the best solution would be to have the searches forced. but the location/me page for sure works fine. as long as people are where they are searching.

    If i want to check who is in london i will get featured listings for everywhere unless i type out the search and choose from the dropdown box, use the change location thingy, which isnt the quickest, or am in london and i use the near me button / page.

    Can you think of any other solutions? perhaps geotargeting the featured widget every time thr free search is used to target the closest match? or set the location on searches as well as matched searches? Im sure that would be a sensible thing to do … to always have a location even if it is a free search. as the map obviously does find that location and hsows the results. but the page isnt aware oif it as it were. which is i think not quite right?

    Your thoughts pls.

    in reply to: force choose location #46750

    Post count: 114


    yes it was the Near field i wanted to force a known search for.

    the reason was more for the featured listings widget than anything.

    If i do a search for birmingham and choose the City option from the dropdown then it turns blue and returns the city location info.

    it also clears the one featured listing i currently have which is in walsall.

    if i just type in birmingham as free text and click search without choosing from the dropdown then the featured listing in walsall still shows. (seperate issue is that currently doing a free text search for birmingham doesnt actually return anything. it probably thinks im searching for birmingham AL)

    do you have an alternative to controllign the featured listings display. as the whole business plan currently is to sell featured listings where they will show for their areas.
    if people show for every search because people have not chosen the dropdown area then this wont work.

    in reply to: every combination of locations #46666

    Post count: 114


    i just deleted everythign and reimported.

    it must ahve been a previous cockup import that i did.

    Feature Request – Delete everything button or process!!

    in reply to: Import Addons #46395

    Post count: 114

    ok sure understood i will add them to the feature request section.

    I do have a dedi for the site and will probably add cdn’s etc for images etc wwhen i reach a certain size for sure.

    Still that maybe the option of having the lat and long found for you if you dont have them would be a cool feature but perhaps in the future sometime. as you say speed is the biggest bit to a large DIR and thats what i need for now.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: Using Wp All Import plugin to import listings #46258

    Post count: 114

    hi yes i understand that. i am ahppy to speak to them but you mentioned (either in this thread or one of the others) that GD uses some custom tables for the location info. could you let me know what table that is and if it has any dependancies so i can try to help the developer with the addon?

    Im sure there would be a way to do it but it would save a lot of dgging i guess if i knew what we need to enter and where outside of the CPT fields.


    in reply to: Using Wp All Import plugin to import listings #46254

    Post count: 114


    sure ill get in touch. what would be additionally required for it to work?
    just adding specific fields to a specific table?

    if so could you let me know which ones and to where so i can ask them to see if its possible how long and how much etc.

    in reply to: Directory Info Service #46248

    Post count: 114

    Baiscally i will take a keyword or phrase which will determine the type of busienss you are looking for and i will extract directory listings from every available source and provide a valid CSV for import.

    Im still hashing out the individual bits at the moment (like translating town to region ) and some other import related queries but i should have a fully working system fairly soon.

    in reply to: Using Wp All Import plugin to import listings #46220

    Post count: 114

    is it possible to modify this to use a custom field instead?

    As wpallinport offers quite a few features which would make it very useful to use as an importer.

    Im happy to help test if this can be done?

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