Using Wp All Import plugin to import listings

This topic contains 17 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Free User

    Hi Guys,

    I was wondering if I can use the to import multiple listings.
    I managed to geocode the addresses using and also, using some excel formulas to extract the region, city & postal code.

    Can I map the fields and use with Wp All Import? Can I use the fields names from the sample csv file? It will help me a lot, because Wp All Import has some features that will allow to import & rename the images from a remote server.



    Post count: 29970

    I’ll get Paolo to have a look at your question.
    Feel free to test in the meantime and let us know how you went.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    I honestly doubt any plugin will know were to import the data, given that some of it needs to be saved in a custom GD table.

    My guess is that it will not work properly, but you can test it and let us know…

    BTW, what’s wrong with regular GD CSV import tool?



    Expired Member
    Post count: 9


    I got the WP all Import installed with GD, I can confirm that things are not working as they should be. The WPAI is not importing all the fields of the places. 🙁

    What’s wrong with the regular GD CSV?
    Well, WPAI gives more freedom and flexibility when importing data, much quicker in the import, constructed setup for every field, Yoast import capable etc….

    Can you let us know how to get WPAI working with GD? Is there any way to map the GD custom fields?

    Thanks in advance.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    you will need to ask to WPAI developer if he’s willing to make his plugin compatible with GD. Like he did for Yoast SEO.

    We don’t provide support for 3rd party plugins and there is nothing we can change on GD to make it work with WPAI.

    WPAI will not know where to insert locations just to name one, cause they are not regualar wp custom fields, but they are stored in a custom GD table.



    Post count: 114

    is it possible to modify this to use a custom field instead?

    As wpallinport offers quite a few features which would make it very useful to use as an importer.

    Im happy to help test if this can be done?


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    if you wish to have that working with GD you should ask to the plugin author to make it compatible with GD.

    We offer our own importer already…



    Post count: 114


    sure ill get in touch. what would be additionally required for it to work?
    just adding specific fields to a specific table?

    if so could you let me know which ones and to where so i can ask them to see if its possible how long and how much etc.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    the would have to install GD and test their plugin to make it compatible if they wish to do so.



    Post count: 114

    hi yes i understand that. i am ahppy to speak to them but you mentioned (either in this thread or one of the others) that GD uses some custom tables for the location info. could you let me know what table that is and if it has any dependancies so i can try to help the developer with the addon?

    Im sure there would be a way to do it but it would save a lot of dgging i guess if i knew what we need to enter and where outside of the CPT fields.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206

    Honestly, we are very happy with our importer and we are far too busy with more important tasks, to take the time to explain how GD works in details to a 3rd party developer.

    There is no demand for this to justify the time investment (1 member is not enough) and we don’t even know if the plugin author is willing to work on it.

    Thank you


    Free User
    Post count: 4

    🙂 I’m a new customer, just subscribed. I can’t get the built in importer to work at all. 🙂

    I’d love it if I could use WP All Import. Mapping fields through All Import would be a whole lot faster and easier than fooling around with a csv file (especially as I’m trying to work through 11k listings).

    It sounds as if the WPGeodirectory team is not interested in helping this to happen. Just adding my vote for a reconsideration.

    Might save the WPGeodirectory team time and effort in the future if you do not have to maintain an importer yourselves possibly. 🙂

    Good luck either way.

    In the meantime, if I can’t get the built in importer to work, I’ll be forced to discontinue my subscription. The rest of the tools look awesome, but if I can’t get my listings in, then it doesn’t matter at all.


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    please submit the request here:

    If many other members vote for it we will consider it.

    p.s. Uploading 1 or 11k listings via our importer is not only possible, but not that difficult…

    Modifying WP all import to recognize GD custom tables is definitely harder.


    Free User
    Post count: 4

    got it, and thank you!


    Post count: 114

    @brettbum just a quick FYI there are required fields for the import which i was a bit confused by originally but its just the required fields for the locations and lat long etc that make up the listing and its supporting bits.

    follwo the instructions on the importer and make sure to use openoffice calc to do your edits as excel is a pain if your not totally familiar with its quirks.

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