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  • in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #43067

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Ok, thanks I will inform Chris

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42795

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    OMG It’s fixed! Thank you!! :D:D

    Is it ok to tell the host to restart varnish?

    Thanks so so much!

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42778

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks Paolo, didn’t realise it was possible to just change the slug of dog-friendly-2 to dogfriendly. Just tried but it didn’t work. I considered deleting the original dogfriendly and trying to then change dog-friendly-2 to dogfriendly, but everythng’s been such a mess I’m a bit scared if I do this I’ll break something else now! Is that safe to do?

    Rencontre deleted never to return!!

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42770

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Sorry another question I just thought of… is it best to give up on the Rencontre plugin and uninstall completely?

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42751

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    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42727

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Okeydokey, thanks Stiofan 🙂

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42722

    Free User
    Post count: 200


    Has anyone done anything to my site? All my directory pages have completely disappeared, widgets have completely stopped working and I have ‘###2’ at the top left hand corner.

    Hoping this is just someone testing settings and I havn’t just completely lost everything!

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42716

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks for the reply Paolo. Just had this response from Chris;

    Hi Sally –

    The first portion of their response here doesn’t even make sense – there is no way for our server to continue executing a script hours after it has been deleted. If they can provide some information about how these ‘virtual pages’ are created we could take a look at what’s going on.

    Disabling the Rencontre plugin for now is probably a good idea, it’s not incredibly unusual for a plugin to create database errors, but it could be causing problems – keeping it off at least during troubleshooting is a good idea.

    I would also ask them why you can’t save the last option in the ‘GeoDirectory >> Permalinks’ page. That is their plugin – I’m able to modify settings all over your site without any issue, it does not seem reasonable to think some kind of server issue is breaking the saving of one option. It’s possible there is a conflict with another plugin on the site, but I don’t even know what that option is actually doing (I’m assuming it is trying to save something in the database – but what?). Again, if they can provide some info about what the plugin is doing here we would be happy to take a look.

    Regarding the funny text at the bottom, the ‘Query Monitor’ plugin (a debugging tool) was active on the site and outputting its info to the bottom of the page. We have deactivated that to remove the text.

    I’m not sure how helpful this is, but if you can get the GeoDirectory developers to give you some more information it’s possible we can help.

    Thank You,

    Are you able to advise at all please? (I have disabled the rencontre plugin for now and will delete if need be)

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42681

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    in reply to: Topic not resolved, still need help #42675

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Just to clarify, I’ve updated the discussion mentioned today with some info from my host

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42648

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    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42578

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    in reply to: Topic not resolved, still need help #42536

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Thanks Simone, I’ve replied over there.

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42535

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Hi Simone

    I’ve not changed anything since you did this all for me as you mentioned above. I’ve literally not changed anything since then, and even when I looked that day the /dogfriendly page was still showing just the word location.

    Sorry if I’m repeating myself, I know I’m probably driving you barmy with this, but I really havn’t changed anything since you added reply #41514 and the /dogfriendly page still wasn’t working as it should that day when you told me not to edit anything.

    I saw that in location url prefix it says /dogfriendly-2 but that’s not the homepage either. That’s just another weird page which just has ‘Dog Friendly Accommodations’ written in bold on it (no idea where that came from? It doesn’t even make sense!)

    I’m totally lost with this and just seem to be going round in circles. Is there a fault with my version of the plugin? All this was fine until I updated :/

    in reply to: Directory homepage just displaying the word 'location' #42526

    Free User
    Post count: 200

    Hi, I’m still trying to find this homepage as mentioned above in the image?

    I even tried to create a brand new page just to try to add the same widgets as appear here, but I can’t get the widgets on to the new page.

    I just want to find the page which is shown in the image above again please? It’s included in a lot of my marketing pages and it’s putting people off listing as the link just points to a page which says the word location in big bold letters rather than that which it used to display as in the image above.

    I just want to know where my home page is now please can someone help?

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