Timothy Cermak

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  • in reply to: Geodirectory V2 version Broke Site #472437

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Looks like you fixed it

    in reply to: Geodirectory V2 version Broke Site #472433

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Franchise Manager #472407

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Also unrelated to this thread, but i just updated geodirecotry this morning and now my site doesnt work at all????


    in reply to: Franchise Manager #472406

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    How do i get it to work? Where do i add franchises of the business i have

    What is the limit? If i have burgerking in my system can i have all 200 locations

    in reply to: Custom Fields and Tabs #472367

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    I think i figured out most of it

    Is there a way to change this shortcode to filter listings by a specific tag?

    [gd_listings post_type=”gd_place” related_to=”tags” sort_by=”az” title_tag=”h3″ layout=”gridview_onehalf” post_limit=”5″ add_location_filter=”1″ category=”0″]

    in reply to: Customize GD Details Page #471744

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    To be clear thank you kor, your CSS solution worked great

    in reply to: Customize GD Details Page #471743

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    That worked great!

    in reply to: Search Bar Change #471702

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Thank you kor, but i think you are misunderstanding my issue/question

    I have 200 categories currently.

    I have a listing “Intelacomm” that needs to belong to all those categories, but the system is limiting me to about 50.. Is there a reason for this? Is there a way to change this?

    in reply to: Search Bar Change #471542

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    I’m using category for countries, but there is one business so far that needs to show up in every country search results

    in reply to: Search Bar Change #471541

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Is there a way to increase the amount of categories a single listing can belong to?

    in reply to: Search Bar Change #471488

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Ok i am working on using the category Select that you describe here

    What determines which categories come up? Right now i am only seeing like 4 categories with no rhyme or reason as to why those were chosen?

    in reply to: Using Beaver Builder #471344

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    I have the GD Archive Page open, but on the side panel there is no option to change the template that you normally see (ex: full width, etc)

    So now i am just confused. I have gone through the steps that Beaver builder uses to add the sidebar to the pages and posts. They do it through customization> Content> Blog, and then you check off what pages you want a sidebar on.. Still Didn’t work.

    Thank you Alex and Kor, I know i ask a lot of questions. This side bar thing is the last thing i need to make this site go live i believe

    in reply to: Using Beaver Builder #471342

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Thats so strange. I have GDv2 installed on the website…. but i also see those pages as well..

    I have edited those template php and have seen changes.

    So i need to add a Sidebar to the actual pages then?

    in reply to: Using Beaver Builder #471336

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    Where would i add sidebar code to this below?

    * Template for the list of places
    * This is used mostly on the listing (category) pages and outputs the actual grid or list of listings.
    * See the link below for info on how to replace the template in your theme.
    * @link http://docs.wpgeodirectory.com/customizing-geodirectory-templates/
    * @since 1.0.0
    * @package GeoDirectory
    * @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
    * @global object $post The current post object.
    * @global object $wp_query WordPress Query object.

    * Called before the listing template used to list listing of places.
    * This is used anywhere you see a list of listings.
    * @since 1.0.0

    global $related_nearest, $related_parent_lat, $related_parent_lon, $gd_layout_class;

    <ul class=”geodir-category-list-view clearfix <?php echo apply_filters(‘geodir_listing_listview_ul_extra_class’, $gd_layout_class, ‘listing’); ?>”>
    <?php if (have_posts()) {

    * Called inside the


    of the listings template, but before any


    * When used by the widget view template then it will only show if there are listings to be shown.
    * @since 1.0.0
    * @see ‘geodir_after_listing_post_listview’
    do_action( ‘geodir_before_listing_post_listview’ );

    while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

    geodir_get_template_part( ‘content’, ‘listing’ );


    * Called inside the


    of the listings template, but after all


    * When used by the widget view template then it will only show if there are listings to be shown.
    * @since 1.0.0
    * @see ‘geodir_before_listing_post_listview’
    do_action( ‘geodir_after_listing_post_listview’ );

    }else {

    <!– geodir_category_list_view ends here–>

    <div class=”clear”></div>
    * Called after the listings list view template, after all the wrapper at the very end.
    * @since 1.0.0


    You can see on my website once you log in that if you change the archive-listing.php inside of geodirectoryplugin’s templates that the listing scrteen changes

    in reply to: Using Beaver Builder #471335

    Timothy Cermak
    Expired Member
    Post count: 96

    It is not my page template from my theme that are needing to be edited.

    Geodirectory plugin templates need to be edited to have a sidebar added. I have already talked to beaver builder and they have told me that it is the Geodirectory plugins templates for the listing page and the template for the places pages that need code added to them for the sidebars
    I have confirmed that it is the geodirectory plugin templates being used for the listing and places pages. I have changed the code to include a sidebar, It has worked but when i do that i completely lose they geodirectory plugin template style. I Dont want to change it at all except for adding a sidebar

    I already have a plugint o change what widgets display in the sidebar depending on category. I do not need help with that . I need help adding code to the geodirectory templates to add a sidebar on the templates responsible for the listing pages and places pages

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