Tom Rendle

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  • in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #354051

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    If I could get it to work the way it works right now (pulling locations when the user clicks the geolocate popup) but it pulled the region that the user was in instead of the closest city, this would be ideal. It’s current state is great but it would mean that I’d have to add nearly every city in North America. If you try the geolocate popup on the site from where you are, it will probably pull a location that is a long way away i.e. the closest location to you that I have put in, can you test this? Alternatively if I put in just every state and province in North America and this info was pulled when a user geolocates it would save me a lot of time and still function great for the users.

    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #354047

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    I’m a little bit confused. The near me button doesn’t seem to pull the banner that I set, however, when I click to be geolocated it is now pulling the banner and tagline (location) that is closest to me. I live in yarmouth NS and I have this set as a location, when I geolocated this popped up, which is awesome. To test it further I deleted Yarmouth as a location and tried again. This time it pulled Weymouth (the closest town to me that I have entered details for – awesome! and yes I know, lots of towns ending in mouth in NS).

    So this could work if I make sure to have a lot of cities put in, I wouldn’t want someone geolocating and seeing a city that’s 100’s of miles away.

    So, I’m not really sure if the code is working the way you intended, as it isn’t pulling the nearme.jpg I set, however, it is pulling the user to the closest city, which might be even better! I don’t know. I’ll keep playing with it.

    Let me know your thoughts.

    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #353516

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #352804

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Okay, no problem. Cheers.

    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #352801

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    I’ve added this snippet.

    add_filter(‘sd_featured_image_url’, ‘modify_near_me_banner’);
    function modify_near_me_banner($banner_url) {
    global gd_session;
    if (($gd_session->get(‘my_location’) || ($gd_session->get(‘user_lat’) && $gd_session->get(‘user_lon’)))) {
    $banner_url = “”;
    return $banner_url;

    Let me know when you’ve done your thing and I’ll give it a try.


    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #352786

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Remove Reviews for CPT on Supreme Directory #352785

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    You guys are awesome. Thanks very much.

    in reply to: Remove Reviews for CPT on Supreme Directory #352739

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #352735

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Thanks Paolo,

    in reply to: Supreme Directory Locations / Near Me Question #352733

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Okay, that’s no problem. Would it be possible to set a default image for the near me page that is different than the “featured image” that gets used by default for all pages with supreme directory? This would be fine because I could use an image of a person using a map or whatever to convey the right message, but said image probably wouldn’t go well as the default featured image for all pages. Is this possible?


    in reply to: Remove Reviews for CPT on Supreme Directory #352724

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Haha, thanks, I actually started that thread but I was using a different theme at the time. I’ve gotten a lot of this to work but I’m still having two issues. One is that the overall rating still shows up on the listing page. I think this is to do with the multi-ratings plugin and I’m not sure how to target it to hide it. Also, the code to remove the reviews tab for supreme directory must be different, I am using: “.single-gd_project_proposal dl.geodir-tab-head [data-tab=”#reviews”] {

    And this isn’t working.

    So, How do I target the multi rating stars for project proposals on the listing page, and how do I remove the reviews tab for this cpt?


    in reply to: Having some issues with search bar #347214

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    buddypress docs… Probably the culprit the entire time, except for buddyboss wall which the dev fixed. I noticed it is on your list of known problems so it can probably be removed and buddypress docs can be added for the time being. I’ll get in touch with the dev about it.

    As of right now the searching seems to be working perfectly with docs inactive. Thanks for your help and for sticking with me. I should have gone through plugins earlier I suppose.

    Still baffled as to how you guys weren’t observing the problem. Clicking search when not the admin pulled pages, posts and all kinds of things instead of what is defined.

    In any case, it’s working!

    Cheers, problem resolved and I can update you guys on buddypress docs when I get a response from the dev if you like?

    in reply to: Having some issues with search bar #346663

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Deleted all the pmpro plugins. The search only works for the admin. I have no idea…

    in reply to: Having some issues with search bar #346053

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Okay, got rid of all the pmpro plugins so there is only buddypress users and users who are not logged in. The search form only works for logged in users.

    in reply to: Having some issues with search bar #346048

    Tom Rendle
    Post count: 46

    Ah this is enlightening. I see it is working perfectly when you are logged in as the admin, but I don’t think it’s do to with being an admin it’s because the admin is also a “Seller” member on the PMPRO (Paid Memberships Pro) plugin that I’m using. If you are logged in to buddypress and not signed up as a seller i.e. a member on that plugin it still does not work. Needless to say it also doesn’t work if you aren’t logged in at all. Does this mean that the problem is with the pmpro plugins?
    Thanks again.

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