Utsav Goyal

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  • in reply to: Release of 1.4.9 #46825

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    what kind of ram, bandwidth and storage is required?

    in reply to: Release of 1.4.9 #46819

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    but it is working fine if i disable all the geodirectory plugins

    in reply to: Release of 1.4.9 #46815

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Unable to install buddypress after GD plugins are installed. Get an error message like:
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 89600 bytes) in /home/utsav/public_html/wp-content/plugins/geodirectory/language.php on line 450

    in reply to: Archives for every listing not desirable #32377

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Sorry, the issue was resolved.


    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30877

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    Is the update released? I do not see it on my plugin page.

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30681

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    How much more time it is going to take to resolve the problem?

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30406

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    How long will it take to resolve the problem?

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30082

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    really thanks for the quick response

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30081

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    I really don’t know but i hope that is not the case as it will make the type to search feature almost useless.

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30038

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    I would like to add that if a search phrase has any keyword that is present in any other listing, the other listing will start to show as well. For example if i search for a particular restaurants name ex. olive garden restaurant indore, every listing that has the word indore in it starts to show up. Could you please help out with this as i am about to launch my website in 3 days

    in reply to: Advanced search not working properly on my site #30028

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    It is giving proper results for 1 word, but if you put a space or a comma the results are just random. For example if i am searching FYI Cafe the results show all the listings that have the word cafe in them. Also if i am searching a title it is just showing random results.

    in reply to: How to Stop Spam #28006

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    These are probably coming from GSA ranking, SENUKE etc. these tools have virtual plus human captcha breaking tools and can only be stopped using certain paid software. If you wish i could tell you…. disclaimer I am not an affiliate to this product and it does not stop 100% spam.

    in reply to: Two major issues #27933

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    These features were working very properly in geotheme, why can’t they be replicated in geodirectory? The fact that a user is searching for results in a particular category and getting results from all categories is undesirable for any business, is misleading the user and can ultimately result in increased bounce rates.

    At the same time as already pointed out, different filters might be required for different categories and many multiple places can and will have more than one category so creating a different custom post type for each category will not only create place duplication, but duplication of place tags as well. While this feature is working just fine in geotheme the current geodirectory requires us to do multiple 301 redirects create multiple posts with the same title(hence increase unnecessary effort) and ultimately makes the site inefficient

    How will a first time user come to know which search box to populate so that the user will only get results from his/her city. To redirect a user to everywhere city when a user has already selected a particular city is confusing and this might require a website owner to first train its users as to how to use the website, which is impossible.

    The purpose was to make the job of the user easier, but it seems now that geotheme was much more capable in accomplishing that task.

    in reply to: Two major issues #27896

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51

    1. If i have already selected a city, should the search filter not automatically populate the field with the city that i have selected? How will a user come to know which field is to be populated to get the desired result? and when a particular user has already selected a particular city does that not, by default, mean that he/she is looking for results from that city itself?

    2. Yes i am aware of that issue and you also said that for creating custom searches we will have to create different custom post types. I also pointed out that such a thing would create duplication issues. Replies #26218 – 25. Is this not a major concern? because if a user is looking for a certain item in a particular category and getting results from all categories does that not make his search redundant?

    utsav goyal

    in reply to: Two major issues #27522

    Utsav Goyal
    Free User
    Post count: 51
    This reply has been marked as private.
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