Forum Replies Created
December 6, 2014 at 9:42 pm in reply to: Uploaded listings being set as Paid , not Free listings #23707
that should not be an issue, i am using same tags for listings i upload, this already worked with previous upload, and within the tags limit . It is only 91 characters and tag limit is 200 characters.
think what your users want, not everyone might be so good with directions as you
But the system already has what you want, -> look under map tab , and your address is already listed on detail page.
what I said is more useful and adds new feature, could be relatively easy to integrate since it still uses google maps, and gave an example of another wp plugin that does it. Think restaurant directories or specialty stores, people could really use an easy way to get directions , otherwise they are required to go to a directions app like mapquest
To me it seems more handy like something on http://www. where the map loads the address into a get directions bar, and you enter your starting point, and it tells you how to get there.
December 6, 2014 at 5:49 am in reply to: Uploaded listings being set as Paid , not Free listings #23674Ok, That last addition seems to work.
But now something new and strange is happening.
On the detail listing page the place tags are not showing up. If you go into admin for listing, they tags did get uploaded and are connected to company, but they do not show on front end with rest of company details.Ok,
I am using the login widget for gd. How do i redirect the Register now button on the gd login widget to
ps im going to upgrade hosting server next week…woohoo!
Ok, looks like that did it.
srry & thx
Hold on, i was looking in the top file called wpgeo, ive got so many files top files for this site, dont even know which is which now.
Yes , the first step i hit a snag. When I look in my themes folder, looks like there is no file listed for the GD Avada Child theme I am using. Based on the instructions I should start by looking in that file, right? Where is it? What is it called?
Buddypress is the best thing for me to use right now. A forum would be too hard to get active users starting out. The Buddypress is PERFECT for using in conjunction with a classified. Users can message eachother in Buddypress regarding classified ads. Possible for users to message store listing owners about their store more effectively within system, which gives everyone a reason to come back. + pageviews is good thing. If i get users usings buddypress i can easily turn on bbpress
I want to turn this on now. What I do notice, is not only is it a good idea that the login page be redirected so user goes to same login no matter what. The registration page should probably be redirected as well.
What happens is the following. In the GD registration it asks for 1 area for Real Name, and people feel comfortable entering their real name b/c it is only seen by system.
For Buddypress registration, You provide a Username and a Real Name(can be edited/shown to community). The User name can not be changed.
This will likely cause some confusion based on the way people sign up.
Please Please, I would need help to do this if I am going to turn it on this week. I read the documentation instructions and looked at doing it myself. But I fear that I will put in wrong folder and muck everything up. Its a holiday today, and my normal programmer wont be able to see this for a week because of the long weekend etc.
Could you please help me to add 2 redirects, the login redirect and the registration page set as the buddypress registration page.
November 27, 2014 at 3:22 am in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22806Cool,
Wasn’t as hard as i feared it might be. Already got it working and ready to start showing classifieds I think, nice and quick.
I will continue fine tuning, wish me luck.
p.s. , at first glance this looks like it is a really good classified system, i don’t have experience with classifieds to compare to, but if you made sure this has all the features people expect from a classified, you might do well to include that in system features to attract more users.
November 26, 2014 at 11:07 pm in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22784If i could play around with the Add Listing Tab, and maybe have the drop down include all cpt that would be even better I think. So i could have events and classifieds under same add listing tab as directory
November 26, 2014 at 11:06 pm in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22783Ok, So I created a cpt for classifieds. Now I have A new tab in my menu for the cpt. Couple things. I dont want the cpt to appear in the menu while I set it up, how do I turn that on off, and still able to get to it? 2.Do i change the tab label for the menu item in the cpt settings?
November 26, 2014 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22780This reply has been marked as private.November 26, 2014 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22779Not really sure what would be missing, to do a classified cpt. Im still not that familiar with wpgeo, thats why I was searching around. Will try to do this, see how far I get.