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  • in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22775

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    in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22772

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    Lifetime Member
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    Thank you, I really am trying to get a handle on how to fix this myself to get the last kinks out. Sorry for keeping asking about this.

    in reply to: Suggestions for a Classifieds Plugin to Use with GD #22752

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    I would like to give this a try. Before I do I would like to backup the website. What do you recommend as a way to backup the website and restore if this new plugin damages something?

    P.S. would love it if you guys had a plugin that did this, i am sure its on your list, cant wait to see you guys finish it!

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    in reply to: Upcoming news and demo #22624

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Awesome News! Score for the home team!! Goo gle gonna love the GD Booster!

    Lifetime Member
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    I did not find any south dakota in the wp terms. I went to the table and updated geo tags with south-dakota-1 and removed the -1 from a couple listings. Now none of the south dakota listings are showing in the front end, and when i look at the back end the one’s that i removed the -1 from have vanished. Only 6 listings in that region so reloading all is easy, but would like to know what i did wrong, and why None are showing, so i dont repieat what i did again.

    in reply to: Uploaded listings being set as Paid , not Free listings #22518

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    ok I will test this on my next run with a small batch, still got 2000+ listings to clean up. Little by little

    in reply to: Need to organize data to check what listings i have #22467

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Any thoughts on combining the various requests for csv export/import into 1 single request so it can have a centralized request for it.

    in reply to: Why do paid listings get set as "Draft" #22463

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    In the past week I have had 2 people who used this method. The first one, was a successful paypal payment, the system set the listing to draft. The system did not mark it as paid under payment manager. The second one, showed marked as a upgraded listing(paid listing) when on admin listings detail page, but no payment was received in paypal, and the listing was set to not paid. This was marked as draft by the system.

    Side note, would be nice if there were a way to manage listings, to see who are paid listings and who are not at a glance. Cant sort by listing type.

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    OK, How do i remove/delete any slug from other parts of wp that has the name of a Country/Region/City so that all location slugs will be without the -1. (so i can fix anything like ( ) that i find. And.-> Avoid this issue of same csv causing using different tags for same region, in the future, by always looking for and deleting any tag that refers to a region/country/city not in the locations database?


    I thought I had asked about the user id to use, and I thought you said it was ok to use director, my bad if I misunderstood. I will use “1” as ID for future uploads.

    I did not see any invalid characters in the last file i sent, but I think that non-english listings have characters that people try to use (spanish, greek). Right now I am only planning on uploading USA / Canada / UK / AUSTRALIA , but i will keep an eye out and avoid loading non-english characters.

    Thank you

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    Here is the csv. Same csv, same region. Some went into correct region name others went into region with -1 on end, from Same csv.

    I have not added anything with united states of america.

    It is not so easy to just reset, there have been new user generated listings. in the past few days.

    Please stop assuming that I am causing this.

    Lifetime Member
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    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319

    I understand exactly that. But again, you are misunderstanding me I think. The State, country were exactly the same for all of them, i copy pasted same word in csv. Some went to correct correct region tag, others went new created region tag with -1. I can send you the csv and you will see that the country and state were exactly the same for both.

    Lifetime Member
    Post count: 319


    So yesterday I added more listings via upload. Today I noticed that some of the new listings I created went to and others went to from the same csv upload.

    These were from the same csv upload, so i don’t understand why some were put in correct tag and others were not.

    When A user sets their location to Mississippi they do not see the listings with the -1.

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