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  • in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #348706

    Post count: 76

    Yes, Stiofan, I understand now. What was throwing me off is that I had added code to make the info details display in the profile tab rather than the sidebar and forgot that was not default behavior. I, too, wanted to set the description limit to 0 for free listings as an incentive to upgrade. So I may go back to info details in the sidebar, although I think more people see them in the tabs due to “banner blindness”.

    In any case, thanks for the clarification and please tell Kiran “I love u too” for the title code here

    since I’ll use that if I keep the details in the sidebar.

    in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #348147

    Post count: 76

    Thanks, I’ve been looking into this more. It does seem that changing the description limit made the tab display even if it’s empty. Good reminder about that only being available from the back end.

    I looked into the CSS but there aren’t any solutions that would apply to the description on just one package type, so I’ll look for other ways to handle this now that I understand better how it works.

    in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #347980

    Post count: 76

    OK. I didn’t see that anywhere in the documentation. That leads to a couple more questions.

    1. If I limit the description for a package to, say, 100 characters, but the description field contains 250 char of text, is there any way to add an ellipsis or some indication that the text isn’t complete? This is especially helpful if a listing downgrades on expiration. Text cut off mid sentence looks weird.

    2. From my testing it looks like if I set a description limit greater than 0, the address will display in the profile tab even if the description field is empty. Is that the expected behavior?

    I need to rethink the free package and this new information will help me figure out which way to go. My thinking was that disallowing a description on free listings would avoid instances where someone typed in their URL rather than upgrade to have a link in a paid package.

    I’ve added code to prevent html tags in the description, but that doesn’t stop people from typing the URL. But I *did* want the address and phone to display.

    in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #347034

    Post count: 76

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #346865

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    in reply to: Info tab not showing on free listings #346831

    Post count: 76

    I did, and of course if I remove the code moving info from the sidebar it DOES appear in the sidebar, but that’s not really the issue. The issue is that the address appears in the Info/Profile tab for all other packages except “Bare Bones” id=1. I couldn’t find any field setting for that package that would hide the address information. I looked at the code in functions.php, which I took from here:

    and there doesn’t seem to be anything there that would affect package type, so I’m stumped. I’ll send admin details in a private msg if you need to log in.

    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #337485

    Post count: 76

    Excellent! I’ll update the data over the weekend and do some more testing, but I do understand much better now. Thanks very much for your help!

    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #336881

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    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #336849

    Post count: 76

    Believe it or not, I think I’m beginning to understand! 😉

    You wrote this sentence above

    Suppose listing has 3an alive days value 365 then the new expire date will be 9/16/2018 (DATE OF RENEW + 1095 days).

    I think you meant: “Suppose listing has an alive days value 365 then the new expire date will be 9/16/2018 (DATE OF RENEW + 365 days).”

    Is that right (note the 365 in parentheses)? If so, I really do get it now, and understand that alive days shouldn’t change automatically going forward. Thanks for your patience. I hope this can help others as well. I’ll send admin details in a private message.

    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #335811

    Post count: 76

    OK. I think what has been throwing me off is that when I imported new expiration dates before the alive_days column was added to the CSV file, the alive days all changed automatically in ways that didn’t make sense to me. I presume that was a bug of some sort, or at least an unanticipated result.

    You wrote: “Alive days does not affect the expire date if you set expire date manually. But if you not set expire date then it set expire date by using alive days value.”

    To clarify, does that mean that if an expiration date is entered, it will override the alive days?

    As I mentioned above, I have one listing with an expiration date of 9/16/2017 and alive days of 1095. Does that mean the listing will not expire for 3 years or will it expire on the expiration date?

    I guess for now if I change expiration dates for import and the packages are all one year then all the alive days should be 365. Does that sound right? These are for unclaimed listings, so renewals are not involved.

    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #335601

    Post count: 76

    Sorry for the delay but I’m just getting back to this and still confused. I downloaded the export CSV and am happy to see the alive_days column there, but still not sure how to set these. This directory is new so most of the listings are ones I uploaded to be claimed. If I manually set the expiration date, should I also change the alive days to 365 (since all the listings are annual)?

    Say I set an expiration date of 1/31/17 and alive days of 365 for a listing to be claimed and the business owner claims the listing on 1/15/17. What happens to expiration and alive days?

    In your renewal example, say a listing has an expiration of 9/17/17 and the owner renews an annual listing on 9/1/17. Does the expiration date change to 9/17/18 and alive days to 365 + 16, or 381? That doesn’t make sense to me because then the following year the alive days will be wrong. Sorry, don’t mean to be dense here, I’m just not understanding this and want to figure out how I should fix alive days when I re-import.

    in reply to: Alive Days Changes on import #315669

    Post count: 76

    Great thanks. It looks like a lot of the “alive days” are messed up, which probably happened when I changed expiration dates. For example one listing has an expiration date of 9/16/2017 and alive days of 1095. How are expiration dates and alive days supposed to interact? I was hoping that if I set a manual expiration date the alive days would automatically reset to the proper number of days, but obviously that’s not happening. Most of my listings are annual so the alive days set in the addon is 365.

    I’ve been changing expiration dates to manage listings to be claimed, so I expect I’ll need to do more of this.

    in reply to: No Image on Free Listings #312714

    Post count: 76

    OK, thanks. I checked the downgrade and that works as expected. I also figured out that if I export listings, and then re-import, the image does not display on the free listings. So for anyone else who’s interested, that appears to be a workaround.

    in reply to: Claim Popup Not Displaying in Most Browsers #290098

    Post count: 76

    This is great – thank you!

    in reply to: Address layout on preview page #287928

    Post count: 76

    Hmm, just checked with a new listing and the formatting was fine on the preview page without if(!$preview).

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