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I cannot; i’ve already suggested last week that an automated alt text for pictures would be great for SEO.
Therefore i just enter it here. Hope you forgive me;-)
Feature request:
-Please align the functionality logics of all add-ons. For example sending automated messages. Within prices and payments and claim listing there is a tab for that. Within reviews there isn’t. That causes confusion. Aligning these things improves the usabilty of WPGEO tremendously and leads to a higher customer satisfaction.Ok, I’ll first clean it up and keep an eye on it.
another try. png should work i guess?..
Same here,
both on safari (creates a loop) and chrome (error, but you can click continue)
and we’ve found out that it also happened at one of your selected demo-sites.
See attachments.
This happens when someone enters the nearby-option behind the fa compass icon.
After that: enter search; and get error…We have not added any new plugins that weren’t active before the upgrade to 1.3.9, we think…;-)
We’ve resolved it half, by just disabling the option in the cms to autocomplete the place. This solves 70% of the strange things that happen.
I’ll share some screenshots tomorrow with you on the other 30%.ok, we’ll have a look. Thanks again!
Do you have any plans to implement something similar as you did for other add-ons, like claim listing etc, or are we overasking right now…;-)?
I’m so sorry Guust, I’ve written it completely wrong. this is NOT about claim listing, but about reviews.
Let me rewrite my question again:
almost all emailmessages that are being sent to our endusers can be modified, which is very good. Could it be true that this is NOT the case with the review- emails?
Place-owners now get this (i’ve manipulated the data for privacy-reasons)
Nieuwe reactie op je bericht “Yoga Paolo”
Auteur: Stiofan Test (IP:,
Reactie: Wat fantastischHier kun je alle reacties op dit bericht zien:
We would like to personalise the message more, and allign it with other messages we send. Next to this we think that it’s too intimidating/difficult for a place-owner that he/she gets info about IPADRES and a whois-link. We consider that for us relevant, but not for endusers.What would you recommend on this? Or didn’t we look at the right place, and is it possible to configure these mails, just as on other relevant spots?
Thanks again!
Well, the thing is that we think that location switcher is way too dominant for our navigation. Are there any other solutions possible, you think?
You cannot imagine how I hoped for this answer… Great. Thanks, and good luck the next few days, than;-)
This is also an issue when a placeowner has entered a city and then (via the dashboard) wants to get an overview of his own places. If the selected city is not the city where the listings of a place-owner are, then it’s impossible to jump to those places.
Worked perfect. Both the updating-process as well as the result: the reappearance of the #categories!
Thanks again!
There definitely is wisdom in it, Guust. Thanks. I’m afraid we just have to deal with this and accept it the way it is.
With regards to the all, all-re-appearance: Does it make sense for you to have a look in our backend. Trust me that I’m not aware of tweaking anything, so it’s weird that it came back, don’t you think?
In which file should we add: #geodir_post_map_row {display: none;}
And don’t forget to republish listings if you do it with the bulktool, otherwise you end up with all 404-pages. (as i found out…)
Ok, so with buddypress it should work. We’ll have a deeper look!
If you know all answers every question seems simple;-) Thanks!