1800 places at the same wrong address on map
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November 16, 2017 at 9:44 am #405489
Hi guys,
ready for a though one?
i got around 4000 places in toutwat.be, just noticed 1080 of them are showing at the exact same place on the map…which is wrong, plenty are not even supposed to be in that city…
is there something i can do to automatically refresh the position on the map for lets say all places? (i could not list the 1800 wrong ones and others are probably on a wrong location too)
I confirm that the addresses are entered correctly
Thanks for your help,
PatNovember 16, 2017 at 10:08 am #405492Hello!
There are lots of services for GeoCoding out there:
Let us know if you find one you like
November 16, 2017 at 10:17 am #405493HI Alex,
thanks for your answer, i’m looking for a script that refreshes the position of places on the map, they have been entered manually, not imported as a csv, the address is correctly entered
geocoding would mean editing a csv file for 4000 entries manually as the geodirectory exported csv file is full of useless data for these services and cannot be understood by their scripts
also the geodirectory export csv file cannot be edited easily, i tried millions of times with no result and almost destroyed my database
is there no way of getting a snippet that would “push” the refresh the button on map on the place input form for every place?
PatrickNovember 16, 2017 at 11:08 am #405501Hello!
No snippet magic for this, I’m afraid.
You can export the entries, run a a geocoding service against the CSV, and then import it.
Your export will have PostIDs so you can choose to update existing listings.
Very do-able.
November 16, 2017 at 11:17 am #405504something i do not understand here…when filling the form to add a place, the geocoding is done through this process, it can again be done when editing the place
so it is possible to do it one by one but not in batch?
i’m definitly not willing to mess with my places database, it has costed me a huge amount of money to get it encoded
November 16, 2017 at 11:18 am #405507Hello,
we are not able to provide you with other solutions besides the one I described above.
November 16, 2017 at 11:27 am #405511This reply has been marked as private.November 16, 2017 at 11:28 am #405512Try clicking through a bit more, or zoom in further, I think it is just because they are all very close together.
November 16, 2017 at 11:33 am #405517Hi Guust,
as you can see on the screenshot, these 1080 places are all set to a single place on the map
That’s really weird, i see for example that all hairdressers are pointing there, even when they’re from another city…
Thanks for coming in,
PatNovember 16, 2017 at 11:39 am #405520Hello again,
you can your site url and admin credentials if you want us to take a look.
I will say again, though, there is no bulk geocoding function at this time. The recipe is as described.
As far as WHY your locations all have the same location, well, we would need credentials to take a look.
I would recommend you go ahead and export your listings anyways to verify that they are all at the same lat/lon. Are those the coordinates of your default locations?
November 16, 2017 at 11:40 am #405521I do not see any places that are showing on the wrong spot. Can you post direct links to the places you think are on the wrong place?
If I zoom in far enough using the Google + zoom, all seems fine.
If we need to investigate more, give us WP admin details, and a few sample listings that are incorrect.Thanks
November 16, 2017 at 11:57 am #405531This reply has been marked as private.November 16, 2017 at 12:25 pm #405536It seems you may have de-activated or deleted or changed some locations, so the map location has reverted to the lat and lng of your default location in Waterlo for some listings.
You need to click “set on map” again 🙁Have a look at your locations. For example the lat and lng of Knokke in Region Flamande is the same as Waterlo, but Knokke in Vlaanderen is on the correct spot. You should merge those locations.
You can see all locations at https://www.toutwat.be/aaa/
For example:
https://www.toutwat.be/location/belgium/vlaanderen/knokke-heist/November 16, 2017 at 12:37 pm #405539Guust,
yes it’s true, i previously merged locations and deleted a few, so thats where it comes from!
I’m going to check what i can merge again and see it there will be a change, i understand the situation now
Thank you!
PatNovember 16, 2017 at 12:47 pm #405545Careful with deleting locations, you should merge instead. Deleting locations can delete all listings in that location usually!
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