Add Listings page
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June 4, 2016 at 7:47 pm #203500
I’d like to welcome the user, give them a little paragraph of info, instructions and “what to expect”… So, I went to the Add Listings page in the WP Admin > Pages > Add Listing > Edit Page… and I added the content to the editor.
This content doesn’t show up anywhere on the Add Listing page on the front-end.
I’m using Avada theme (everything is at it’s latest version).
Am I doing something wrong? missing some bonehead obvious checkbox? Or is this how the theme is built? If I have to change the php file, that’s fine, but I just want to know what’s going on before I do that.
(This is a great theme… great support… great everything. I made my clients switch from another directory theme to use you guys because you’ve done such a great job… just wanted you to know that.)
June 4, 2016 at 8:15 pm #203514This reply has been marked as private.June 5, 2016 at 1:27 am #203574From
In the Pages section of your WP admin dashboard, you can change the title and the slug of the page. Nothing else can be changed there.
The easiest way I can think off is to use the translation file and change
* Indicates mandatory fields
to something like
* Indicates mandatory fields<br/>My note to customers explains how to do that.
June 5, 2016 at 1:29 pm #203671Okay.. thanks for that… still on the Add Listings page. I want to change some of the wording. For example “Enter Listing Details” I’d like to change to “Enter Business Details”.
I can’t see there’s a place for that in the admin, so, I’ve successfully changed the language.php file. When I move that file to the Child Theme, the changes don’t stick.
I put it Child Theme > geodirectory > language.php
This structure worked when I put my customized add-listing.php.
How do you suggest that I do this? Will I need to write a function?
June 5, 2016 at 5:07 pm #203837For all who may want to change the Add Listing page:
You can copy the add-listing.php into the Child Theme and make changes to the file if you want to add an intro/welcome/instruction paragraph by following these steps:
1. Create a new folder in the Child Theme and name it geodirectory
2. Copy the add-listing.php file to that folder
3. Add your html just above the “do_action(‘geodir_add_listing_page_mandatory’);”CHANGE THE ADD LISTING FORM
You can change the label names of the form fields (that aren’t governed by the wp-admin GeoDirectory > Place Settings) by removing the function that creates the form.Here’s how to REMOVE the function:
Add this code to your child theme functions.php file:
add_action(‘init’ , ‘remove_functions’ , 15 );
function remove_functions() {
remove_action(‘geodir_add_listing_form’, ‘geodir_action_add_listing_form’);
}1. Then copy the geodir_action_add_listing_form function (find it in the geodirectory_template_actions.php on line 2098).
2. Paste the code into your child theme functions.php and change the name to something unique like “change_geodir_action_add_listing_form” as in the example below:
add_action(‘geodir_add_listing_form’, ‘change_geodir_action_add_listing_form’, 20);
function change_geodir_action_add_listing_form() {
//function contents//
}3.Change the function contents to your customization
Note: Look in the language.php file to find the defined values for the form labels. For instance: To change the label that reads “Listing Title” to something that says “Business Name”,
1. look at the language.php file and you’ll see that it is defined as ‘PLACE_TITLE_TEXT’.
2. find PLACE_TITLE_TEXT in the function (the one you’re customizing in the child theme) and it will look like this: <label><?php echo PLACE_TITLE_TEXT;?><span>*</span> </label>
3. REMOVE “<?php echo PLACE_TITLE_TEXT;?> ” and replace it with “Business Name”.The code will now look like this: <label>Business Name<span>*</span> </label>
June 5, 2016 at 9:55 pm #203938Please review again, you are not translating correctly.
Thanks for sharing some tips, that is explained at for those that want to change templates.
The last bit about changing the labels is not recommended: that needs to be done using the language files (.PO and .MO files), or by changing the labels of the custom fields at GD > Place Settings > Custom Fields 6, 2016 at 11:32 am #204069Thank you for your reply. I could not find instructions to edit the add-listing.php and when I wrote to you, your reply was to simply change the text using the .po and .mo files. So, that didn’t really help with the html. That’s why I put the instructions.
As for the last bit, I’ve never used a theme that required so much effort to change some field label names. Still, this is a great theme and I appreciate your help.
Is there a reason that I can’t do it the way I have done it?
June 6, 2016 at 12:26 pm #204073You can use HTML in the PO file so the output would be HTML.
Most field label names are simply changed at GD > Place Settings > Custom fields.
Some need to be changed using the translation files.
Changing language.php will mean that in the next update, all your changes will be lost. -
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