add new listing – cannot change location

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jaciando 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 43

    hi there, i am setting up geodirectory and am now trying to add a new listing. for some reason though – i am not able to set another location on the map – i keep getting an error message saying i can only add listing in the city that i set as the default. how do i change this please so that an address can be set elsewhere please??



    Post count: 29970

    You need to enable the MultiLocation add-on:
    or if you already have enabled that, check your settings at GD > MultiLocations > Location Settings


    Free User
    Post count: 43

    hi guust, thanks for that. ok did that. how am i able to insert states please for users to select from? thanks


    Free User
    Post count: 43

    from what i can see i would need to add EACH town in the country for this to work – definately dont want to have to do that! Is there a way that city can be changed to “town” and be left as a required field but without a dropdown box to choose from – have it as a user-enter text box. how can i add 8 states only and have user select from that please?


    Post count: 29970

    You do not need to add any locations at all, your users will do that as they submit listings; your database will grow automatically.

    The city/town and region and country are automatically filled in when a user adds an address in the address field, or drags the marker to the right spot.

    A user does not need to choose from the dropdown box, they can type their town in themselves. The system will look for the town in your database first and if the town is not found, it will look through the Google API database. Try it.

    To restrict to 8 states only:
    1. Add at least one town per state in GD > Multilocation > Add/edit Location
    2. Then go to GD > Multilocation > Location settings
    3. Enable selected countries > select the country
    4. Enable selected regions > select the 8 states

    Your users will now only be able to add listings in your 8 states.

    Let me know how you’re getting on.


    Free User
    Post count: 43

    hi there guust, thanks for your reply – not getting on real good though. so, i’ve done that – thank you. i have read around in the forums and came across a post saying not to alter the map marker when setting this up….err….well i kinda did do that to get the marker spot on top of cities – does that mean this will not work now?? also, location does not appear to get set accurately – similar to problems a lot of other people are having. what’s the go with these locations on the maps – and how does one get it to set correctly please? i don’t want to waste my time trying to set this up if it’s not going to work correctly – really love this program though – and really really want it to work for me. could you please advise on this and any other issues that i need to know now before working on this more. please – i dont have a lot of time as it is. thanks again kindly


    Free User
    Post count: 43

    hi again, i also noticed that there is an app for geo directory – i can’t remember where i had seen this now. once i have all this set up – can it all be transferred to an app – or work as an app – and could this work even if no internet connection?? Or, does the responsiveness of this program work in the same way anyway. would love a bit more info on this please.


    Post count: 29970

    The app is on the drawing board.
    Always will need an internet connection, or there is no connection to the database.

    Like I said in another of your posts, I’ll have a look at your settings if you like. I think there might be some conflict with another plugin maybe, and that is why you have trouble with your map locations.


    Free User
    Post count: 43

    sorry @guust i missed your reply on this. thank you.

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