All new Listings cannot be viewed

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kor 4 years, 11 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I imported your test places and even tried to put in tests one. None of them can be viewed. Keeps coming up as page cannot be found. Please help.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi wjpetersen,

    Thanks for your post. Try resaving your permalinks as explained here and see if it helps.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 29

    I think that works. Thank you.

    Another question please: I am using the UsersWP plugin for forms/profile that you recommend. After I posted a Place, go to the profile page, only “posts” and “comments” show up. How do I get the “places” tab to show in place or in additon to “posts”? This is needed so the user can go back and delete or change their “place listing”.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi wjpetersen,

    Thanks for your reply. Here is the option that allows you to configure that

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