Allowing specific roles to see WP Admin

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Paolo 7 years, 3 months ago.

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    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Hello everybody,

    I have 2 users that will be managing entries in the blog an they are assigned Editor roles.
    When they login, they don’t see WP Admin as per this setting:

    Is there any way to allow those 2 specific users to see WP Admin?

    Thank you.


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Elijah,

    You would probably need to use the “Role Editor” Plugin to achieve what you needed there .



    Elijah Lokvkoff
    Free User
    Post count: 138

    Thanks Kor. I was thinking about it but this is not an elegant solution.
    What can be done is to use Role Editor, to create a separate administrator role, then to use Adminimize to limit the display of WP Admin only to specific items for this group.

    That is a lot of work actually and still doesn’t really strip administrator privileges from those users.

    I guess what I’m saying is… it is quite an often scenario when multiple users need to access management console while not being administrator. I would really appreciate if you can add it to feature requests for future GD version (providing enough users request this feature)

    Thanks for quick replies.
    Your support really rock!


    Tom Parkinson
    Free User
    Post count: 1

    Hi there,

    Just want to bump this a little – I really want to use Geodirectory but I can’t if it is unable to properly handle the OOTB user roles of WordPress. Are you guys planning on making Geodirectory behave when it comes to those roles or is it not something you feel is appropriate?

    Also, I’m a little shocked that your solution, as developers, is to suggest using another plugin to get around a limitation of your own. Do you qualify this as a feature or a bug?


    Post count: 16516

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for bumping this issue.

    I believe we’ve misunderstood Elijah’s topic. He mentioned that he wants to allow specific roles to see wp-admin which of course isn’t something that can be done automatically without switching the option individually. The option can be found here as shown in this screenshot . So, I’m suggesting the “Role Editor” Plugin which would probably have an option to switch on/off the “view admin panel option” for different roles in bulk settings. What GD is offering would be to switch on/off the “admin” panel for all roles and not specifically. I hope this clears it up.



    Christina Morris
    Expired Member
    Post count: 53

    one more bump on this, I have a marketer who needs to be able to blog for us, and can’t without being an admin. I don’t want him to have full access to the site.



    Site Admin
    Post count: 31206


    go to GeoDirectory >> General >> Allow user to see wp-admin area and select YES.

    Now you can use a script or plugin (if it exists) that only allows admin and selected users to access the wp-admin.

    That goes beyond support.


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