Business Hours Response

This topic contains 11 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Guust 4 years, 10 months ago.

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    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Hello. I’ve recently downloaded GD V2. Before committing to a purchase, I am testing out the functionality of the basic settings to see how the plugin works overall.

    I’ve set up the installation with open street maps and have some dummy businesses in place. So far, I’ve noticed that there is an issue in regard to setting up the business hours/time zones. My WP times zone is set to +0, just as it seems to be set in GD. However, the business response (if the business should say “open” or “closed”) appears to be incorrect. I am not a developer so coding is a limitation for me in fixing certain issues.

    Can you please advise me of why this time issue is happening and how it can be resolved?

    Please note, I have already sent an email for this issue and was redirected here: Unfortunately, I’ve already confirmed this is not a solution.


    Post count: 29970

    With the free version, all listings will be in the same city.
    If your time zone is UTC+0, you must be in the same time zone as the United Kingdom.
    All your listings should have an automatic time offset of zero from UTC.

    It should not matter what timezone your WP settings are, the offsets are automatically calculated to UTC 0.

    Please post your URL and WP admin details in a private reply and we will have a look at your settings if you like.
    Also include a listing that has incorrect opening times so we can check.



    Free User
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    Post count: 29970

    I think it may be related to some caching at your host.
    I’ll get a developer to have a closer look.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi doggieknew,

    Admin credentials are no longer working for me, please check.

    Default timezone in business hours is used from default location settings. What timezone is set in your default location at GeoDirectory > Settings > Default Location?



    Free User
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    Post count: 7069

    Hi Hardie,

    Please check now and let us know.



    Free User
    Post count: 5

    Hi Kiran,

    I just reviewed the changes. The only change I noticed was that the National Constitution Center’s UTC was set to +0. I manually had set it to +7 last time I modified anything as +7 should be the correct UTC here in California. I don’t know if any other changes were made but the ones made so far did not resolve the issue. I attached a screenshot of the error as it currently stands.


    Post count: 7069

    Hi Hardie,

    For existing listings you have to re-save business timezone offset, because when listings is saved it also saves business timezone offset for that listing.

    With new listings you can see +7 offset but old listings may show different offset saved earlier for that listings.

    Please try with new listing and let us know what it shows to you.



    Free User
    Post count: 5

    ok. I did notice upon “re-saving” an existing business timezone, I am now able to view a reflection of +7. The steps to do that include:

    1.) Clicking “No” for business hours, under the business info. Then, clicking “Update” for that place/page.

    2.) Clicking “Yes” for business hours, and then re-updating the page/place. Just as a note, you cannot simply click “update” for a “place” as a “re-save” for an existing business. These extra steps seem unnecessary.

    Also, just to confirm, It did reflect the +7 when adding a new “test business.” This happened automatically, which is good.

    However, you can still see that the businesses (pre-existing and new test business) are not reflecting the appropriate response of being “open” or “closed.” I’ve attached a screenshot of that current issue.

    If this issue is resolved and I do purchase any add-ons to expand the directory geographically, will it automate the timezone for frontend users when and if they update their business to a new timezone via the address fields for any reason? It seems almost as if I will have a lot of backend work of re-saving their time zones manually on the backend to help them keep their businesses current.


    Free User
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    Post count: 29970

    There was a bug specific to your site, and Kiran fixed it. This is not a problem for any other site (it may be specific to your host or caching plugin). Let us know if you want Kiran to fix the remaining part of the bug, and in that case, please give valid admin access.
    Or let us know if we can set this to resolved.


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