Business Owner / Associate

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Abel Romero 7 years, 6 months ago.

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    Abel Romero
    Expired Member
    Post count: 206

    I do not understand that the “Business Owner / Associate?” Option appears on the subscription form.

    -What is it for?.
    “Can you give me examples?”
    – Can you deactivate when creating a new place from the form and leave it in the place profile?

    Thank you very much!


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211


    someone times the person adding the listing is the business owner, sometimes it is someone who visited the business and want to review it.

    That’s why we ask.

    If you don’t want it there you can remove it with this snippet:

    remove_action('geodir_before_main_form_fields' , 'geodir_add_claim_fields_before_main_form', 1);

    You can use the code snippet plugin to implement it.

    Let us know how it goes,



    Abel Romero
    Expired Member
    Post count: 206


    By default it will be marked “yes” or “no” ?.
    If someone finds your business in GD you can claim it? Or does not affect it?

    Thank you


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Hi Abel,

    by default neither option is selected.

    Another option you have is to set them to no by default with this code:

    and after hide it with css.

    If a user find his own business on your website, he can claim it from the details page.

    Hope this helps.


    Abel Romero
    Expired Member
    Post count: 206

    Perfect, thanks Paolo!

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