Cannot enter address

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  • #406005

    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    I just installed a new copy of the system. At first I installed the multi-location plugin, but that seemed very fiddly so I disabled it.

    Now I am trying to key in a ‘Place’

    Problem 1:
    When I click ‘add new’ in the back-end, the page opens but it gives the alert ‘Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ZERO_RESULTS’. Duh! There is nothing in the page, it should not be trying to geocode it.

    Problem 2:
    I can’t get the darn thing to accept an address any way that I try it. Here is my data:
    Title: Salt Lake City Arts Council
    Description: The arts council
    Category: ‘Showcases’
    Now I try putting in the address.

    First attempt:
    Address: 1560 S Industrial Rd
    Zip: 84104
    Click ‘set address on map’ button
    The program gives an alert with this incomprehensible message: Please choose any address of the () city only.
    It then fills in the address input with the text: ‘Cannot determine address at this location.’ (this is poor UX , don’t fill the input field with an error message)

    Second attempt:
    Address: 1560 S Industrial Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84104
    Zip: 84104
    Click ‘set address on map’ button
    same result

    Third attempt:
    Address: 1560 S Industrial Rd
    Zip: 84104
    Lat: 40.73600769
    Long: -111.9454956
    Click ‘update’
    Page refreshes and shows alert: Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ZERO_RESULTS
    Map is correct
    If you click ‘set address on map’ it throws the same wierd alert ‘Please choose any address of the () city only.’ and clears out the data

    So I refreshed the page and it shows OK.

    Then I exported the record from the database. Here it is. Notice that the program did not set the City and State:

    [{“post_id”:”57″,”post_title”:”Salt Lake City Arts Council”,”post_status”:”publish”,”default_category”:”5″,”post_tags”:””,”post_location_id”:”0″,”geodir_link_business”:null,”marker_json”:”{\”id\”:\”57\”,\”lat_pos\”: \”40.73600769\”,\”long_pos\”: \”-111.9454956\”,\”marker_id\”:\”57_5\”,\”icon\”:\”http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/sites\/2\/2017\/11\/ic_store_black_36dp_1x.png\”,\”group\”:\”catgroup5\”}”,”claimed”:”0″,”businesses”:””,”is_featured”:”0″,”featured_image”:””,”paid_amount”:”0″,”package_id”:”0″,”alive_days”:”0″,”paymentmethod”:null,”expire_date”:”Never”,”submit_time”:”1511126243″,”submit_ip”:”″,”overall_rating”:”0″,”rating_count”:”0″,”post_locations”:”[],[],[]”,”post_dummy”:”0″,”gd_placecategory”:”,5,”,”post_address”:”1560 S Industrial Rd”,”post_city”:””,”post_region”:””,”post_country”:””,”post_zip”:”84104″,”post_latitude”:”40.73600769″,”post_longitude”:”-111.9454956″,”post_mapview”:”ROADMAP”,”post_mapzoom”:null,”post_latlng”:”1″,”geodir_timing”:””,”geodir_contact”:””,”geodir_email”:””,”geodir_website”:””,”geodir_twitter”:””,”geodir_facebook”:””,”geodir_video”:””,”geodir_special_offers”:””,”post_neighbourhood”:null,”ratings”:null}]

    I tried adding a listing on the front end. Same results.

    So your address lookup is pretty buggy. Let me know if you need credentials. Here is a link to the front end:

    Naturally what the end user would expect is to key in
    1560 S Industrial Rd, Salt Lake City, UT 84104
    And the program will fill out everything else. (City, state, zip, country, lat and long)
    I guess it’s OK to require them to click the button ‘set address on map’ but you might want to consider setting the address automatically if they exit the address field.

    By the way, the section under the address is a little cluttered. Why show the zip code field and not the other address fields? Why show Lat/Long on the front end? Maybe these should be in an accordian or something else that will clean up the UI?

    Overall it’s a nice program and I’m sure you will fix the address lookup. I don’t see other forum posts with this problem so it must be a new bug



    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Followup: I tried to import, but the import program throws this error:
    3 / 3 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).

    As you will see from the attachment, all this data is in the import file.


    Post count: 29970

    The program gives an alert with this incomprehensible message: Please choose any address of the () city only.
    That suggests you have not set up your default location correctly.

    I guess it’s OK to require them to click the button ‘set address on map’ but you might want to consider setting the address automatically if they exit the address field.
    The Google address data is not perfect, so users need the option to correct the Street address after setting the marker on the map. Sometimes users do not want to show the exact street address as per Google but may want to change to “Suite 52, 67th floor”, or “My business name”.

    We cannot test the Add Listing form because we cannot register.

    Why show the zip code field and not the other address fields?
    Because you are not using the Location Manager, so all other address fields are as per your default setting.

    Why show Lat/Long on the front end?
    Turn that option of if you like at GD > Place Settings > Custom Fields > Address field > Show latitude and longitude.

    CSV import
    I guess the category

    "- Agencies"

    does not exist, maybe that should be


    but without credentials we cannot check.
    And if your default location is not set up correctly, that will give an issue too.



    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Problem 1: I set the default address to Park City, UT, USA
    Then I tried to add an address in a different location.
    60 Via Descanso, Monterey CA 93940
    It gives me this result:
    Please choose any address of the (Park City) city only.

    I was able to successfully add a listing for Park City. So there’s a little progress.


    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Problems 2 and 4

    Thanks for the answers:

    2: The Google address data is not perfect, so users need the option to correct the Street address after setting the marker on the map. Sometimes users do not want to show the exact street address as per Google but may want to change to “Suite 52, 67th floor”, or “My business name”.

    4) Why show Lat/Long on the front end?


    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Problem 1 and 3:

    3: Why show the zip code field and not the other address field4: s?
    Because you are not using the Location Manager, so all other address fields are as per your default setting.

    Does this mean that a) without the location manager, all entries must be in the ‘default location’, and b) with the location manager, all entries must be in a city that is in the location list?


    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    Problem 5:
    After setting up the default location I tried importing again. Got this error:
    3 / 3 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).

    So I changed the file. I deleted all but the first row, and changed the address to the default city. Import still fails:
    1 / 1 item(s) could not be added due to blank/invalid address(city, region, country, latitude, longitude).

    New file is attached
    Thanks for your help


    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40

    I have sent credentials
    Problem 1 & 3 are open: cannot add listings
    Problem 5 is open: cannot import listings
    Problems 2 & 4 are resolved


    Gareth Vaughan
    Post count: 7

    I am getting the exact same problem, which is no surprise. What is the actual fix, I can’t see it on this forum?

    Can this plugin be used for all countries across the world or are we stuck with the location around a small area?

    I only have the free version of the plugin, do I need to buy the other addon ‘Location Manager’ to fix the issue?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    You need to install the Location Manager Addon to add listings to more than one location.

    Try that and let us know


    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40


    I am eagerly awaiting a response. The program looks great but the way they handle locations seems like an anti-feature. For some use cases, tightly restricting the list of available locations seems like a good idea. But for a large geo area, it seems impractical.

    My directory will cover the USA. There are 29,546 unique towns, out of all 40,394 zip codes. If they really require the locations to be pre-loaded, I would have to upload and keep that data up-to-date. I think it’s possible but it will be a headache.

    FYI here is a US zip code list:


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815


    Maybe our messages just crossed.

    You need to install the Location Manager Addon to add listings to more than one location.

    Try that and let us know


    Site Admin
    Post count: 31211

    Just FYI, you don’t need to pre-load locations. Once you install the Location Manager, adding listing to new location will create the location. Same if you import listings. If you import listings for location that don’t exist, they are created on the fly taking data from the Google maps API.



    Henry Wythe
    Expired Member
    Post count: 40


    Thanks for the answer. Sorry I didn’t notice the installatoin instruction that cleary states that you need to set a default location.

    The free product is pretty much useless. It will only handle one location, and the import does not work. I will to put that into my review. The paid product looks like it’s totally worth the money, but people need to know that the free one is not worth the trouble of installing it. If two hundred bucks is a barrier they should try another product.

    1) make the error message say that you need to set the default location, not the incomprehensible message: Please choose any address of the () city only.

    2) Without the location manager, the program is pretty much useless. So I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you say that in the doc and make this prominent: Best practice is not to add locations here, because every location will have a page created and you will only end up with empty pages. Wait for your users to add listings and locations will be automatically created as your users add listings from the frontend.

    I am about to import my data. There will be about 20K listings in over 1500 locations. Wish me luck!

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