Category Image size?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alex Rollin 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    I have searched and searched in Support and in Docs and can’t seem to find something that should be easy to find…. the Default Category Image size? Anyone know what the best size is for the Default Category Image?

    Also is there a way to set the default category image so that it applies to all categories? or do you have to edit each and every category in order to set the default category image?


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    Bulk edit can be done by exporting the categories, editing, and then importing the changes. The default CPT image is used in place of the category image, if none is set:

    Images should be the size/dimension that looks best in the place where you will use them on the site. Much depends on the container where the image will be displayed. Where will you use the category image? in GD Categories? Will you show it as a square, landscape, panorama? CSS can be used to make sure the image shows up a certain way.

    As an example for listing images, if all the images loaded to post_images are to be used in a full width 16:9 slider, then listing owners should be informed that they should upload an appropriate image.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Not user-friendly and complicated…is all I can say. Thanks for your help Alex. Most Themes… and I realize the GD Plugin isn’t a Theme per say…. but I am using the Whoop Theme and it would be nice to have a default image size for Category for the Listing Cards.

    I will figure it out.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    It is an extremely powerful plugin and can be adjusted to meet a wide variety of implementations.

    Since you are using whoop you will have a wide variety of choices about how and where to use images.

    However, if you are using this template here:

    Those images in the slider, showing 4 across, come in at @475px310px on desktop width, so, anything over that actual size in px would be fine because it is set to cover/stretch.

    The same is true for the /places/ archive, which measures on desktop at less than 200*200. It does not matter what the size or aspect ratio is as long as the image is larger than 200px*200px because that image is set to cover both, which is by far the safest setting to have great looking images on every archive item.

    The fact is that except for background image heros you could probably get away with 600*400 easily, which is part of our goal to help folks have speedy directories.

    And the best part is no settings need adjusting at all or figuring out to do any of that with whoop.


    Expired Member
    Post count: 361

    Alex, that really does help and is what I was looking for.

    The link that you shared for the demo listing detail page

    is NOT what the default Whoop theme shows. The default theme looks like yelp. This is also confusing as this is the second time that the demo was/is different than what it was supposed to be. Not sure why you are showing the demo different than what we get out of the box. Again confusing and not user-friendly.

    I keep running into these issues and it is frustrating. I was hoping that it would be easier to implement GeoDirectory but it is like every other Directory theme out there…. complicated and you need to be a coder to set it up and work with it for months on end to figure it out.

    I will say support is excellent but before I ever go to support I exhaust everything that I can in the docs and forum….. again time-consuming.

    I know that V2 is new and you guys are working on the UX and everything and I think it will be great in the end. If someone can provide a good looking feature rich directory theme/plugin that was easy to setup and implement I think they will do awesome with it.

    Honestly I am still evaluating GeoDirectory and haven’t given up yet but getting close. I hope I can get through this learning curve with out too much more brain damage and delays.


    Alex Rollin
    Post count: 27815

    To use that template you will need to run the setup wizard to insert defaul content and then choose the GD New Single page template on the GD Details page. To do it manually you can find the altered default content on the settings page at

    GeoDirectory – Settings – General – Pages

    If you have other questions, please open a new topic and we will be happy to help.


    A 🙂

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