Conditional logic widgets Not working on add-listing

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Steve 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    The effort to put an “instruction for adding franchise” text widget failed. (see screen shot)


    What may I do to get a widget on all /add-listing/… pages please?




    Post count: 29970

    You can add text to the Add Listing page itself, above the shortcode or block, or

    You can use the Widget Logic plugin, and use a conditional tag like this

    is_page( x ) 

    where x is the page ID for the Add Listing page



    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Yes. I added text about Package.

    I “wished to” had any “add-listing” to have an instruction widget for adding franchise.

    I have included a help page and listed adding franchise listing first and I also put a special text in the email listing confirmation for now.

    Finally, I reached out to wiget logic to see if there is another fix.

    Thank you.

    ps..side note to other post.. Staff directory should be completed by the end of next week for Main listing and franchise listings.

    More questions.. Can I or is there a way to “connect a url to posted images?




    Post count: 29970

    I do not understand what your problem is with using the widget logic plugin.
    The page ID is 42, so add this as widget logic:

    is_page( 42 )

    Can I or is there a way to “connect a url to posted images?

    Not quite sure what you mean. Can you explain a bit more?



    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Thank you for the reply. I do not know / understand widget logic. I will give it another go using the page id. I guess “if-page is 42”

    Next, “connect url to image” …

    For the “different” kinds of insurance… If the Business Listing Images could “route” to a particular url it could increase conversion for leads. If directed to a particular page with a form for example.

    In this example, viewing the listing,(the fist image) there is a picture of friends gathering at a restaurant. If this image was “labeled” restaurant insurance (and made clickable to a url) the user could be redirected to a web site where there is a Restaurant Application / form.

    Thus, the viewer, if interested in getting a quote could begin filling out the form.

    Best regards Guust.

    Steve Valencia


    Post count: 29970

    The correct widget logic is

    is_page( 42 )


    geodir_is_page( 'add-listing' )

    Regarding linking an image to an external URL, there is no easy way to do that.



    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Thank you again Guust.

    Regarding image linked urls. I am just going to toss an idea up in the air. This may be a hard way.. lol.

    Can some “shortcode” replace the default image upload? For example, the home page has images that link to a url. The plugin is Envira.

    If I remove the “default” image upload and allow for a shortcode to Envira somehow, would that work?

    I guess I would need to seek help from envira to see if there is a custom design that would allow each listing to have access to customize each image and then have it display on the business listing.

    Good catch! or not..

    Best regards,

    Steve Valencia

    thanks again for the examples.


    Post count: 29970

    I am not familiar with Envira. It is a security risk to allow users to add shortcodes as well, so that is not recommended.


    Full Member
    Post count: 1019

    Problem solved.

    I was not able to get logic widget to work but did find a solution for adding to the /add-listing/?…

    I installed plugin Custom Side bar and named it Add listing. Screen shot of settings.
    Please close ticket.
    Best regards,


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